
Peter Spirtes

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19EEPatrik O. Hoyer, Aapo Hyvärinen, Richard Scheines, Peter Spirtes, Joseph Ramsey, Gustavo Lacerda, Shohei Shimizu: Causal discovery of linear acyclic models with arbitrary distributions. UAI 2008: 282-289
18EEGustavo Lacerda, Peter Spirtes, Joseph Ramsey, Patrik O. Hoyer: Discovering Cyclic Causal Models by Independent Components Analysis. UAI 2008: 366-374
17EEXue Bai, Rema Padman, Joseph Ramsey, Peter Spirtes: Tabu Search-Enhanced Graphical Models for Classification in High Dimensions. INFORMS Journal on Computing 20(3): 423-437 (2008)
16EEAlessio Moneta, Peter Spirtes: Graphical Models for the Identification of Causal Structures in Multivariate Time Series Models. JCIS 2006
15EESubramani Mani, Gregory F. Cooper, Peter Spirtes: A Theoretical Study of Y Structures for Causal Discovery. UAI 2006
14EEJoseph Ramsey, Jiji Zhang, Peter Spirtes: Adjacency-Faithfulness and Conservative Causal Inference. UAI 2006
13EERicardo Silva, Richard Scheines, Clark Glymour, Peter Spirtes: Learning the Structure of Linear Latent Variable Models. Journal of Machine Learning Research 7: 191-246 (2006)
12EEAyesha R. Ali, Thomas Richardson, Peter Spirtes, Jiji Zhang: Towards Characterizing Markov Equivalence Classes for Directed Acyclic Graphs with Latent Variables. UAI 2005: 10-17
11EEJiji Zhang, Peter Spirtes: A Transformational Characterization of Markov Equivalence for Directed Acyclic Graphs with Latent Variables. UAI 2005: 667-674
10 Ricardo Bezerra de Andrade e Silva, Richard Scheines, Clark Glymour, Peter Spirtes: Learning Measurement Models for Unobserved Variables. UAI 2003: 543-550
9 Jiji Zhang, Peter Spirtes: Strong Faithfulness and Uniform Consistency in Causal Inference. UAI 2003: 632-639
8 Tianjiao Chu, Clark Glymour, Richard Scheines, Peter Spirtes: A Statistical Problem for Inference to Regulatory Structure from Associations of Gene Expression Measurements with Microarrays. Bioinformatics 19(9): 1147-1152 (2003)
7 Joseph Ramsey, Paul Gazis, Ted Roush, Peter Spirtes, Clark Glymour: Automated Remote Sensing with Near Infrared Reflectance Spectra: Carbonate Recognition. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 6(3): 277-293 (2002)
6EETianjiao Chu, Richard Scheines, Peter Spirtes: Semi-Instrumental Variables: A Test for Instrument Admissibility. UAI 2001: 83-90
5 Gregory F. Cooper, Constantin F. Aliferis, R. Ambrosino, John M. Aronis, Bruce G. Buchanan, Rich Caruana, Michael J. Fine, Clark Glymour, G. Gordon, B. H. Hanusa, Janine E. Janosky, Christopher Meek, Tom M. Mitchell, Thomas Richardson, Peter Spirtes: An evaluation of machine-learning methods for predicting pneumonia mortality. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 9(2): 107-138 (1997)
4 Peter Spirtes, Christopher Meek: Learning Bayesian Networks with Discrete Variables from Data. KDD 1995: 294-299
3EEPeter Spirtes: Directed Cyclic Graphical Representations of Feedback Models. UAI 1995: 491-498
2EEPeter Spirtes, Christopher Meek, Thomas Richardson: Causal Inference in the Presence of Latent Variables and Selection Bias. UAI 1995: 499-506
1EEPeter Spirtes: Detecting Causal Relations in the Presence of Unmeasured Variables. UAI 1991: 392-397

Coauthor Index

1Ayesha R. Ali [12]
2Constantin F. Aliferis [5]
3R. Ambrosino [5]
4John M. Aronis [5]
5Xue Bai [17]
6Bruce G. Buchanan [5]
7Rich Caruana [5]
8Tianjiao Chu [6] [8]
9Gregory F. Cooper [5] [15]
10Michael J. Fine [5]
11Paul Gazis [7]
12Clark Glymour [5] [7] [8] [10] [13]
13G. Gordon [5]
14B. H. Hanusa [5]
15Patrik O. Hoyer [18] [19]
16Aapo Hyvärinen [19]
17Janine E. Janosky [5]
18Gustavo Lacerda [18] [19]
19Subramani Mani [15]
20Christopher Meek [2] [4] [5]
21Tom M. Mitchell [5]
22Alessio Moneta [16]
23Rema Padman [17]
24Joseph Ramsey [7] [14] [17] [18] [19]
25Thomas Richardson [2] [5] [12]
26Ted Roush [7]
27Richard Scheines [6] [8] [10] [13] [19]
28Shohei Shimizu [19]
29Ricardo Silva [13]
30Ricardo Bezerra de Andrade e Silva [10]
31Jiji Zhang [9] [11] [12] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)