2007 |
9 | EE | Subramani Mani,
Constantin F. Aliferis:
A Causal Modeling Framework for Generating Clinical Practice Guidelines from Data.
AIME 2007: 446-450 |
2006 |
8 | EE | Subramani Mani,
Gregory F. Cooper,
Peter Spirtes:
A Theoretical Study of Y Structures for Causal Discovery.
UAI 2006 |
2005 |
7 | EE | Subramani Mani,
Marco Valtorta,
Suzanne McDermott:
Building Bayesian Network Models in Medicine: The MENTOR Experience.
Appl. Intell. 22(2): 93-108 (2005) |
1999 |
6 | | Subramani Mani,
Gregory F. Cooper:
Causal Discovery from Population-Based Infant Birth and Death Records.
AAAI/IAAI 1999: 973 |
5 | EE | Subramani Mani,
Malcolm B. Dick,
Michael J. Pazzani,
Evelyn L. Teng,
Daniel Kempler,
I. Maribell Taussig:
Refinement of Neuro-psychological Tests for Dementia Screening in a Cross Cultural Population Using Machine Learning.
AIMDM 1999: 326-335 |
4 | | Subramani Mani,
William Rodman Shankle,
Malcolm B. Dick,
Michael J. Pazzani:
Two-Stage Machine Learning model for guideline development.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 16(1): 51-71 (1999) |
1997 |
3 | | Subramani Mani,
Michael J. Pazzani,
John West:
Knowledge Discovery from a Breast Cancer Database.
AIME 1997: 130-133 |
2 | | William Rodman Shankle,
Subramani Mani,
Michael J. Pazzani,
Padhraic Smyth:
Detecting Very Early Stages of Dementia from Normal Aging with Machine Learning Methods.
AIME 1997: 73-85 |
1 | | Michael J. Pazzani,
Subramani Mani,
William Rodman Shankle:
Beyond Concise and Colorful: Learning Intelligible Rules.
KDD 1997: 235-238 |