
Ron MacNeil

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3 Flavia Sparacino, Kent Larson, Ron MacNeil, Glorianna Davenport, Alex Pentland: Technologies and Methods for Interactive Exhibit Design: From Wireless Object & Body Tracking to Wearable Computers. ICHIM 1999: 147-154
2 Ron MacNeil: Generating Multimedia Presentations Automatically using TYRO, the Constraint, Case-Based Designer's Apprentice. VL 1991: 74-79
1 Ron MacNeil: Adaptive Perspectives: Case-Based Reasoning with TYRO, the Graphic Designer's Apprentice. VL 1990: 138-142

Coauthor Index

1Glorianna Davenport [3]
2Kent Larson [3]
3Alex Pentland (Sandy Pentland) [3]
4Flavia Sparacino [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)