
Lisa Spainhower

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13EEErin Farr, Richard Harper, Lisa Spainhower, Jimi Xenidis: A Case for High Availability in a Virtualized Environment (HAVEN). ARES 2008: 675-682
12EEDan Pelleg, Muli Ben-Yehuda, Richard Harper, Lisa Spainhower, Tokunbo O. S. Adeshiyan: Vigilant: out-of-band detection of failures in virtual machines. Operating Systems Review 42(1): 26-31 (2008)
11EELisa Spainhower: Industry Session. DSN 2007: 814
10 Sreekanth K. Bhaskaran, Baback A. Izadi, Lisa Spainhower: Coordinating Human Operators and Computer Agents for Recovery-Oriented Computing. IRI 2004: 351-356
9EEWendy Bartlett, Lisa Spainhower: Commercial Fault Tolerance: A Tale of Two Systems. IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 1(1): 87-96 (2004)
8EELisa Spainhower, Aad P. A. van Moorsel: First Workshop on the Design of Self-Managing Systems. DSN 2003: 765
7EEYixin Diao, Frank Eskesen, Steve Froehlich, Joseph L. Hellerstein, Lisa Spainhower, Maheswaran Surendra: Gnereic Online Optimization of Multiple Configuration Parameters with Application to a Database Server. DSOM 2003: 3-15
6 Yixin Diao, Frank Eskesen, Steve Froehlich, Joseph L. Hellerstein, Alexander Keller, Lisa Spainhower, Maheswaran Surendra: Generic On-Line Discovery of Quantitative Models for Service Level Management. Integrated Network Management 2003: 157-170
5EELisa Spainhower, Nicholas S. Bowen, Steven Hunter: Dependability of E-Commerce Systems. DSN 2002: 788-789
4EEBill Bottoms, Jim Chung, Bernd Koenemann, Glenn Shirley, Lisa Spainhower: Guaranteeing Quality throughout the Product Life Cycle: On-Line Test and Repair to the Rescue. VTS 2001: 153-154
3EELisa Spainhower, Thomas A. Gregg: IBM S/390 Parallel Enterprise Server G5 fault tolerance: A historical perspective. IBM Journal of Research and Development 43(5): 863-874 (1999)
2 Lisa Spainhower, Thomas A. Gregg: G4: A Fault-Tolerant CMOS Mainframe. FTCS 1998: 432-440
1 Lisa Spainhower, Jack Isenberg, Ram Chillarege, Joseph Berding: Design for Fault-Tolerance in System ES/9000 Model 900. FTCS 1992: 38-47

Coauthor Index

1Tokunbo O. S. Adeshiyan [12]
2Wendy Bartlett [9]
3Muli Ben-Yehuda [12]
4Joseph Berding [1]
5Sreekanth K. Bhaskaran [10]
6Bill Bottoms [4]
7Nicholas S. Bowen [5]
8Ram Chillarege [1]
9Jim Chung [4]
10Yixin Diao [6] [7]
11Frank Eskesen [6] [7]
12Erin Farr [13]
13Steve Froehlich [6] [7]
14Thomas A. Gregg [2] [3]
15Richard Harper [12] [13]
16Joseph L. Hellerstein [6] [7]
17Steven Hunter [5]
18Jack Isenberg [1]
19Baback A. Izadi [10]
20Alexander Keller [6]
21Bernd Koenemann [4]
22Aad P. A. van Moorsel [8]
23Dan Pelleg [12]
24Glenn Shirley [4]
25Maheswaran Surendra [6] [7]
26Jimi Xenidis [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)