
Alberto García-Martínez

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23EEG. Ibáñez, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra, Ignacio Soto: ABridges: Scalable, self-configuring Ethernet campus networks. Computer Networks 52(3): 630-649 (2008)
22EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra: An Architecture for Network Layer Privacy. ICC 2007: 1509-1514
21EEAntonio de la Oliva, Marcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Ignacio Soto: Performance Analysis of the REAchability Protocol for IPv6 Multihoming. NEW2AN 2007: 443-454
20EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra: Fault Tolerant Scalable Support for Network Portability and Traffic Engineering. WWIC 2007: 129-140
19EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra: BGP-like TE Capabilities for SHIM6. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2006: 406-413
18EEPedro J. Muñoz Merino, Alberto García-Martínez, Mario Muñoz Organero, Carlos Delgado Kloos: Enabling Practical IPsec Authentication for the Internet. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 392-403
17EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra, Cedric de Launois: An incremental approach to IPv6 multihoming. Computer Communications 29(5): 582-592 (2006)
16EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Juan Rodríguez, Arturo Azcorra: End-site routing support for IPv6 multihoming1. Computer Communications 29(7): 893-899 (2006)
15EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Carlos Jesus Bernardos, Isaias Martinez, Arturo Azcorra: Traffic Engineering in Multihomed Sites. ISCC 2005: 495-500
14EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra: Efficient security for IPv6 multihoming. Computer Communication Review 35(2): 61-68 (2005)
13EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Juan Fco. Rodríguez-Hervella, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra: Multi-Homing Tunnel Broker. EUROMICRO 2004: 282-289
12EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Juan Rodríguez, Arturo Azcorra: The Case for Source Address Dependent Routing in Multihoming. QofIS 2004: 237-246
11EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, Ignacio Soto, Arturo Azcorra, Juan Fco. Rodríguez-Hervella: Preserving Established Communications in IPv6 Multi-homed Sites with MEX. MIPS 2003: 54-65
10EEOlivier Bonaventure, Panos Trimintzios, George Pavlou, Bruno Quoitin, Arturo Azcorra, Marcelo Bagnulo, Paris Flegkas, Alberto García-Martínez, Panos Georgatsos, Leonidas Georgiadis, Christian Jacquenet, L. Swinnen, Sébastien Tandel, Steve Uhlig: Internet Traffic Engineering. QofIS Final Report 2003: 118-179
9EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Ignacio Soto, Alberto García-Martínez, Arturo Azcorra: Avoiding DAD for Improving Real-Time Communication in MIPv6 Environments. IDMS/PROMS 2002: 73-79
8EERicardo Romeral, Alberto García-Martínez, Ana Belén García, Arturo Azcorra, Manuel Alvarez-Campana: MIRA: A Distributed and Scalable WAN/LAN Real-Time Measurement Platform. QofIS 2002: 263-272
7EEMarcelo Bagnulo, Alberto García-Martínez, David Larrabeiti, Arturo Azcorra: A QoS-Driven ISP Selection Mechanism for IPv6 Multi-homed Sites. PROMS 2001: 23-34
6EEAlberto García-Martínez, Jesús Fernández-Conde, Ángel Viña: Efficient memory management in video on demand servers. Computer Communications 23(3): 253-266 (2000)
5EEAlberto García-Martínez, Jesús Fernández-Conde, Ángel Viña: Efficient Memory Management in VOD Disk Array Servers Using Per-Storage-Device Buffering. EUROMICRO 1998: 20551-20558
4EEAlberto García-Martínez, Jesús Fernández-Conde, Ángel Viña: Single Pair of Buffers: Reducing Memory Requirements in VBR Media Servers. IDMS 1998: 312-323
3EEAnastasio Molano, Alberto García-Martínez, Ángel Viña: The Design and Implementation of a Multimedia Storage Server to Support Video-on-Demand Applications. EUROMICRO 1996: 564-571
2EEAlberto García-Martínez, Jesús Fernández-Conde, Ángel Viña: A Comprehensive Approach in Performance Evaluation for Modern Real-Time Operating Systems. EUROMICRO 1996: 61-68
1EEJesús Fernández-Conde, Alberto García-Martínez, Ángel Viña: Implementation of a hardware/software platform for real-time data-intensive applications in hazardous environments. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1996: 29-

Coauthor Index

1Manuel Alvarez-Campana [8]
2Arturo Azcorra [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20] [22] [23]
3Marcelo Bagnulo [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22]
4Carlos Jesus Bernardos [15]
5Olivier Bonaventure [10]
6Jesús Fernández-Conde [1] [2] [4] [5] [6]
7Paris Flegkas [10]
8Ana Belén García [8]
9Panos Georgatsos [10]
10Leonidas Georgiadis [10]
11G. Ibáñez [23]
12Christian Jacquenet [10]
13Carlos Delgado Kloos [18]
14David Larrabeiti [7]
15Cedric de Launois [17]
16Isaias Martinez [15]
17Pedro J. Muñoz Merino [18]
18Anastasio Molano [3]
19Antonio de la Oliva [21]
20Mario Muñoz Organero [18]
21George Pavlou [10]
22Bruno Quoitin [10]
23Juan Rodríguez [12] [16]
24Juan Fco. Rodríguez-Hervella [11] [13]
25Ricardo Romeral [8]
26Ignacio Soto [9] [11] [21] [23]
27L. Swinnen [10]
28Sébastien Tandel [10]
29Panos Trimintzios [10]
30Steve Uhlig [10]
31Ángel Viña [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)