
Alexander E. Wise

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15EEAaron G. Cass, Leon J. Osterweil, Alexander E. Wise: A Pattern for Modeling Rework in Software Development Processes. ICSP 2009: 305-316
14EEBorislava I. Simidchieva, Leon J. Osterweil, Alexander E. Wise: Structural Considerations in Defining Executable Process Models. ICSP 2009: 366-376
13EELeon J. Osterweil, Lori A. Clarke, Aaron M. Ellison, Rodion M. Podorozhny, Alexander E. Wise, Emery Boose, Julian L. Hadley: Experience in using a process language to define scientific workflow and generate dataset provenance. SIGSOFT FSE 2008: 319-329
12EEBarbara Staudt Lerner, Stefan Christov, Alexander E. Wise, Leon J. Osterweil: Exception handling patterns for processes. Workshop on Exception Handling 2008: 55-61
11EELori A. Clarke, Alan Gaitenby, Ethan Katsh, Matthew Marzilli, Leon J. Osterweil, Daniel Rainey, Borislava I. Simidchieva, Norman K. Sondheimer, Leah Wing, Alexander E. Wise: Using process definitions to drive user interactions with digital government systems. DG.O 2007: 310-311
10EEJunchao Xiao, Leon J. Osterweil, Lei Zhang, Alexander E. Wise, Qing Wang: Applying Little-JIL to describe Process-Agent knowledge and support project planning in SoftPM. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 12(5): 437-448 (2007)
9EELori A. Clarke, Alan Gaitenby, Daniel Gyllstrom, Ethan Katsh, Matthew Marzilli, Leon J. Osterweil, Norman K. Sondheimer, Leah Wing, Alexander E. Wise, Daniel Rainey: A process-driven tool to support online dispute resolution. DG.O 2006: 356-357
8EEJunchao Xiao, Leon J. Osterweil, Lei Zhang, Alexander E. Wise, Qing Wang: Applying Little-JIL to Describe Process-Agent Knowledge in SoftPM. SPW/ProSim 2006: 214-221
7EELeon J. Osterweil, Alexander E. Wise, Lori A. Clarke, Aaron M. Ellison, Julian L. Hadley, Emery Boose, David R. Foster: Process Technology to Facilitate the Conduct of Science. ISPW 2005: 403-415
6EEJamieson M. Cobleigh, Leon J. Osterweil, Alexander E. Wise, Barbara Staudt Lerner: Containment units: a hierarchically composable architecture for adaptive systems. SIGSOFT FSE 2002: 159-165
5EEAlexander E. Wise, Aaron G. Cass, Barbara Staudt Lerner, Eric K. McCall, Leon J. Osterweil, Stanley M. Sutton Jr.: Using Little-JIL to Coordinate Agents in Software Engineering. ASE 2000: 155-164
4EEAaron G. Cass, Barbara Staudt Lerner, Stanley M. Sutton Jr., Eric K. McCall, Alexander E. Wise, Leon J. Osterweil: Little-JIL/Juliette: a process definition language and interpreter. ICSE 2000: 754-757
3EEDavid Jensen, Yulin Dong, Barbara Staudt Lerner, Eric K. McCall, Leon J. Osterweil, Stanley M. Sutton Jr., Alexander E. Wise: Coordinating agent activities in knowledge discovery processes. WACC 1999: 137-146
2 Barbara Staudt Lerner, Leon J. Osterweil, Stanley M. Sutton Jr., Alexander E. Wise: Programming Process Coordination in Little-JIL. EWSPT 1998: 127-131
1EEDaniel J. Barrett, Lori A. Clarke, Peri L. Tarr, Alexander E. Wise: A Framework for Event-Based Software Integration. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 5(4): 378-421 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel J. Barrett [1]
2Emery Boose [7] [13]
3Aaron G. Cass [4] [5] [15]
4Stefan Christov [12]
5Lori A. Clarke [1] [7] [9] [11] [13]
6Jamieson M. Cobleigh [6]
7Yulin Dong [3]
8Aaron M. Ellison [7] [13]
9David R. Foster [7]
10Alan Gaitenby [9] [11]
11Daniel Gyllstrom [9]
12Julian L. Hadley [7] [13]
13David Jensen [3]
14Ethan Katsh [9] [11]
15Barbara Staudt Lerner [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [12]
16Matthew Marzilli [9] [11]
17Eric K. McCall [3] [4] [5]
18Leon J. Osterweil [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
19Rodion M. Podorozhny [13]
20Daniel Rainey [9] [11]
21Borislava I. Simidchieva [11] [14]
22Norman K. Sondheimer [9] [11]
23Stanley M. Sutton Jr. [2] [3] [4] [5]
24Peri L. Tarr [1]
25Qing Wang [8] [10]
26Leah Wing [9] [11]
27Junchao Xiao [8] [10]
28Lei Zhang [8] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)