
Jeffrey Skolnick

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19EEMichal Brylinski, Jeffrey Skolnick: Q-Dock: Low-resolution flexible ligand docking with pocket-specific threading restraints. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(10): 1574-1588 (2008)
18EERyangguk Kim, Jeffrey Skolnick: Assessment of programs for ligand binding affinity prediction. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(8): 1316-1331 (2008)
17EEPiotr Rotkiewicz, Jeffrey Skolnick: Fast procedure for reconstruction of full-atom protein models from reduced representations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(9): 1460-1465 (2008)
16EEAnna Jagielska, Jeffrey Skolnick: Origin of intrinsic 310-helix versus strand stability in homopolypeptides and its implications for the accuracy of the Amber force field. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(10): 1648-1657 (2007)
15EELiliana Wroblewska, Jeffrey Skolnick: Can a physics-based, all-atom potential find a protein's native structure among misfolded structures? I. Large scale AMBER benchmarking. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(12): 2059-2066 (2007)
14EEEckart Bindewald, Jeffrey Skolnick: A scoring function for docking ligands to low-resolution protein structures. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(4): 374-383 (2005)
13EEAdrian Arakaki, Yang Zhang, Jeffrey Skolnick: Large-scale assessment of the utility of low-resolution protein structures for biochemical function assignment. Bioinformatics 20(7): 1087-1096 (2004)
12EEYang Zhang, Jeffrey Skolnick: SPICKER: A clustering approach to identify near-native protein folds. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(6): 865-871 (2004)
11 Michal Boniecki, Piotr Rotkiewicz, Jeffrey Skolnick, Andrzej Kolinski: Protein fragment reconstruction using various modeling techniques. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 17(11): 725-738 (2003)
10EEMarek Wojciechowski II, Jeffrey Skolnick: Docking of small ligands to low-resolution and theoretically predicted receptor structures. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(1): 189-197 (2002)
9 Yury V. Bukhman, Jeffrey Skolnick: BioMolQuest: integrated database-based retrieval of protein structural and functional information. Bioinformatics 17(5): 468-478 (2001)
8EEMarcos R. Betancourt, Jeffrey Skolnick: Finding the needle in a haystack: educing native folds from ambiguous ab initio protein structure predictions. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(3): 339-353 (2001)
7EEJeffrey Skolnick, Richard H. Lathrop: Protein Structure Prediction - Session Introduction. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 1999: 480-481
6EEBoris A. Reva, Alexei V. Finkelstein, Jeffrey Skolnick: A self-consistent field optimization approach to build energetically and geometrically correct lattice models of proteins. RECOMB 1998: 214-220
5 Boris A. Reva, Dmitrii S. Rykunov, Alexei V. Finkelstein, Jeffrey Skolnick: Optimization of Protein Structure on Lattices Using a Self-Consistent Field Approach. Journal of Computational Biology 5(3): 531-538 (1998)
4EEMariusz Milik, Andrzej Kolinski, Jeffrey Skolnick: Algorithm for rapid reconstruction of protein backbone from alpha carbon coordinates. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(1): 80-85 (1997)
3 Mariusz Milik, Jeffrey Skolnick: An Object-Oriented Environment for Artifical Evolution of Protein Sequences: The Example of Rational Design of Transmembrane Sequences. Evolutionary Programming 1995: 603-613
2 Adam Godzik, Jeffrey Skolnick: Flexible algorithm for direct multiple alignment of protein structures and sequences. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 10(6): 587-596 (1994)
1 Adam Godzik, Andrzej Kolinski, Jeffrey Skolnick: De novo and inverse folding predictions of protein structure and dynamics. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 7(4): 397-438 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Adrian Arakaki [13]
2Marcos R. Betancourt [8]
3Eckart Bindewald [14]
4Michal Boniecki [11]
5Michal Brylinski [19]
6Yury V. Bukhman [9]
7Alexei V. Finkelstein [5] [6]
8Adam Godzik [1] [2]
9Anna Jagielska [16]
10Ryangguk Kim [18]
11Andrzej Kolinski [1] [4] [11]
12Richard H. Lathrop [7]
13Mariusz Milik [3] [4]
14Boris A. Reva [5] [6]
15Piotr Rotkiewicz [11] [17]
16Dmitrii S. Rykunov [5]
17Marek Wojciechowski II [10]
18Liliana Wroblewska [15]
19Yang Zhang [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)