
Mahdad Nouri Shirazi

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14 Jeremiah Spaulding, Hideki Noda, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Michiharu Niimi, Eiji Kawaguchi: Application of bit-plane decomposition steganography to wavelet encoded images. ICIP (2) 2002: 909-912
13EEHideki Noda, Jeremiah Spaulding, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Michiharu Niimi, Eiji Kawaguchi: Bit-Plane Decomposition Steganography Combined with JPEG2000 Compression. Information Hiding 2002: 295-309
12 Hideki Noda, Jeremiah Spaulding, Michiharu Niimi, Eiji Kawaguchi, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi: BPCS Steganography Combined with Lossy Wavelet CompressionvS. JCIS 2002: 676-679
11EEHideki Noda, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Eiji Kawaguchi: MRF-based texture segmentation using wavelet decomposed images. Pattern Recognition 35(4): 771-782 (2002)
10EEJeremiah Spaulding, Hideki Noda, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Eiji Kawaguchi: BPCS steganography using EZW lossy compressed images. Pattern Recognition Letters 23(13): 1579-1587 (2002)
9EEJean-Christophe Terrillon, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Daniel McReynolds, Mohamed Sadek, Yunlong Sheng, Shigeru Akamatsu, Kazuhiko Yamamoto: Invariant Face Detection in Color Images Using Orthogonal Fourier-Mellin Moments and Support Vector Machines. ICAPR 2001: 83-92
8EEJean-Christophe Terrillon, Hideo Fukamachi, Shigeru Akamatsu, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi: Comparative Performance of Different Skin Chrominance Models and Chrominance Spaces for the Automatic Detection of Human Faces in Color Images. FG 2000: 54-63
7 Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Hideki Noda, Nobuteru Takao: Texture Modeling and Classification in Wavelet Feature Space. ICIP 2000
6 Hideki Noda, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Eiji Kawaguchi: Textured Image Segmentation Using MRF in Wavelet Domain. ICIP 2000
5EEJean-Christophe Terrillon, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Mohamed Sadek, Hideo Fukamachi, Shigeru Akamatsu: Invariant Face Detection with Support Vector Machines. ICPR 2000: 4210-4217
4EEYukinobu Miyamoto, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Kuniaki Uehara: Structural Stability Analysis for Texture Recognition. MVA 2000: 275-278
3 Yukinobu Miyamoto, Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Kuniaki Uehara: Texture Analysis and Classification Using Bottom-Up Tree-Structured Wavelet Transform. PRICAI 2000: 802
2EEMahdad Nouri Shirazi, Hideki Noda, Nobuteru Takao: Texture classification based on Markov modeling in wavelet feature space. Image Vision Comput. 18(12): 967-973 (2000)
1 Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Hideki Noda, Ikuo Yonemoto, Hidefumi Sawai: A Growing Algorithm for Training of RBF Density Estimation Network. ICONIP 1998: 1583-1586

Coauthor Index

1Shigeru Akamatsu [5] [8] [9]
2Hideo Fukamachi [5] [8]
3Eiji Kawaguchi [6] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
4Daniel McReynolds [9]
5Yukinobu Miyamoto [3] [4]
6Michiharu Niimi [12] [13] [14]
7Hideki Noda [1] [2] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
8Mohamed Sadek [5] [9]
9Hidefumi Sawai [1]
10Yunlong Sheng [9]
11Jeremiah Spaulding [10] [12] [13] [14]
12Nobuteru Takao [2] [7]
13Jean-Christophe Terrillon [5] [8] [9]
14Kuniaki Uehara [3] [4]
15Kazuhiko Yamamoto [9]
16Ikuo Yonemoto [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)