
Yasutaka Shimizu

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13 Yasutaka Shimizu: Current Status of e-Learning in Japan and Networking for Sharing Learning Objects for Quality Enhancement. ICCE 2007: 7
12EEYousuke Morimoto, Masao Murota, Yasutaka Shimizu: Development of an information retrieval system of video-based learning materials and a method to attach timecode information to speech data. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(7): 53-64 (2007)
11EEMinoru Nakayama, Yasutaka Shimizu: Evaluation of a multimedia learning exercise using oculo-motors. ETRA 2006: 46
10EEMotofumi T. Suzuki, Yoshitomo Yaginuma, Tsuneo Yamada, Yasutaka Shimizu: A Shape Feature Extraction Method Based on 3D Convolution Masks. ISM 2006: 837-844
9 Motofumi T. Suzuki, Yoshitomo Yaginuma, Yasutaka Shimizu: A Texture Similarity Evaluation Method for 3D Models. IMSA 2005: 185-190
8EEYoshiaki Hada, Masanori Shinohara, Yasutaka Shimizu: K-tai Campus: University-Sharing Campus Information System Applicable to Mobile Phone and PC. WMTE 2005: 164-173
7EEMinoru Nakayama, Yasutaka Shimizu: Frequency analysis of task evoked pupillary response and eye-movement. ETRA 2004: 71-76
6EEMinoru Nakayama, Yasutaka Shimizu: Subject Categorization for Web Educational Resources using MLP. ESANN 2003: 9-14
5 Minoru Nakayama, Yasutaka Shimizu: An estimation model of pupil size for 'Blink Artifact' and it's applications. ESANN 2002: 251-256
4EEMinoru Nakayama, Koji Takahashi, Yasutaka Shimizu: The act of task difficulty and eye-movement frequency for the 'Oculo-motor indices'. ETRA 2002: 37-42
3EEKoji Takahashi, Minoru Nakayama, Yasutaka Shimizu: The response of eye-movement and pupil size to audio instruction while viewing a moving target. ETRA 2000: 131-138
2EEHaruo Oishi, Atsuhiro Nishikata, Yasutaka Shimizu: Development of automatic keyword searching system from databases on a network. Systems and Computers in Japan 30(10): 90-98 (1999)
1 Hiroh Yamamoto, Minoru Nakayama, Yasutaka Shimizu: Effectiveness Of Various CAI Education Styles And Support Functions On Self-Study. Educating Professionals for Network-Centric Organisation 1998: 189-200

Coauthor Index

1Yoshiaki Hada [8]
2Yousuke Morimoto [12]
3Masao Murota [12]
4Minoru Nakayama [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [11]
5Atsuhiro Nishikata [2]
6Haruo Oishi [2]
7Masanori Shinohara [8]
8Motofumi T. Suzuki [9] [10]
9Koji Takahashi [3] [4]
10Yoshitomo Yaginuma [9] [10]
11Tsuneo Yamada [10]
12Hiroh Yamamoto [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)