
Haruo Oishi

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3EEHaruhisa Nozue, Hajime Nakajima, Haruo Oishi, Takeshi Masuda, Tetsuya Yamamura: Process Control Technique Using Planning and Constraint Satisfaction. APNOMS 2007: 62-71
2EEHaruo Oishi, Tatsuya Nakatani, Kenichi Tayama, Shiro Ogasawara, Tetsuya Yamamura: OSS Architecture for Flexible and Efficient Process Control. NOMS 2006
1EEHaruo Oishi, Atsuhiro Nishikata, Yasutaka Shimizu: Development of automatic keyword searching system from databases on a network. Systems and Computers in Japan 30(10): 90-98 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Takeshi Masuda [3]
2Hajime Nakajima [3]
3Tatsuya Nakatani [2]
4Atsuhiro Nishikata [1]
5Haruhisa Nozue [3]
6Shiro Ogasawara [2]
7Yasutaka Shimizu [1]
8Kenichi Tayama [2]
9Tetsuya Yamamura [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)