
Michael Putrino

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4EEMartin S. Schmookler, Michael Putrino, Anh Mather, Jon Tyler, Huy Van Nguyen, Charles Roth, Mukesh Sharma, Mydung N. Pham, Jeff Lent: A Low-Power, High-Speed Implementation of a PowerPC(tm) Microprocessor Vector Extension. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 1999: 12-
3 Romesh M. Jessani, Michael Putrino: Comparison of Single- and Dual-Pass Multiply-Add Fused Floating-Point Units. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(9): 927-936 (1998)
2 Deene Ogden, Belli Kuttanna, Albert J. Loper, Soummya Mallick, Michael Putrino: A New PowerPC Microprocessor for Low Power Computing Systems. COMPCON 1995: 281-284
1 Stamatis Vassiliadis, Michael Putrino, Eric M. Schwarz: Parallel Encryted Array Multipliers. IBM Journal of Research and Development 32(4): 536-551 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Romesh M. Jessani [3]
2Belli Kuttanna [2]
3Jeff Lent [4]
4Albert J. Loper [2]
5Soummya Mallick [2]
6Anh Mather [4]
7Huy Van Nguyen [4]
8Deene Ogden [2]
9Mydung N. Pham [4]
10Charles Roth [4]
11Martin S. Schmookler [4]
12Eric M. Schwarz [1]
13Mukesh Sharma [4]
14Jon Tyler [4]
15Stamatis Vassiliadis [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)