
H. Sebastian Seung

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33EEViren Jain, H. Sebastian Seung: Natural Image Denoising with Convolutional Networks. NIPS 2008: 769-776
32EEViren Jain, Joseph F. Murray, Fabian Roth, Srinivas Turaga, Valentin P. Zhigulin, Kevin L. Briggman, Moritz Helmstaedter, Winfried Denk, H. Sebastian Seung: Supervised Learning of Image Restoration with Convolutional Networks. ICCV 2007: 1-8
31EEDezhe Z. Jin, Fethi M. Ramazanoglu, H. Sebastian Seung: Intrinsic bursting enhances the robustness of a neural network model of sequence generation by avian brain area HVC. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 23(3): 283-299 (2007)
30EEWhitman Richards, H. Sebastian Seung, Galen Pickard: Neural voting machines. Neural Networks 19(8): 1161-1167 (2006)
29EEViren Jain, Valentin P. Zhigulin, H. Sebastian Seung: Representing Part-Whole Relationships in Recurrent Neural Networks. NIPS 2005
28EEJustin Werfel, Xiaohui Xie, H. Sebastian Seung: Learning Curves for Stochastic Gradient Descent in Linear Feedforward Networks. Neural Computation 17(12): 2699-2718 (2005)
27EERuss Tedrake, Teresa Weirui Zhang, Ming-fai Fong, H. Sebastian Seung: Actuating a Simple 3D Passive Dynamic Walker. ICRA 2004: 4656-4661
26EEJustin Werfel, Xiaohui Xie, H. Sebastian Seung: Learning Curves for Stochastic Gradient Descent in Linear Feedforward Networks. NIPS 2003
25EEXiaohui Xie, H. Sebastian Seung: Equivalence of Backpropagation and Contrastive Hebbian Learning in a Layered Network. Neural Computation 15(2): 441-454 (2003)
24EERichard H. R. Hahnloser, H. Sebastian Seung, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine: Permitted and Forbidden Sets in Symmetric Threshold-Linear Networks. Neural Computation 15(3): 621-638 (2003)
23EEXiaohui Xie, Richard H. R. Hahnloser, H. Sebastian Seung: Selectively Grouping Neurons in Recurrent Networks of Lateral Inhibition. Neural Computation 14(11): 2627-2646 (2002)
22EERichard H. R. Hahnloser, Xiaohui Xie, H. Sebastian Seung: A theory of neural integration in the head-direction system. NIPS 2001: 221-228
21 Richard H. R. Hahnloser, H. Sebastian Seung: Permitted and Forbidden Sets in Symmetric Threshold-Linear Networks. NIPS 2000: 217-223
20 Xiaohui Xie, Richard H. R. Hahnloser, H. Sebastian Seung: Learning Winner-take-all Competition Between Groups of Neurons in Lateral Inhibitory Networks. NIPS 2000: 350-356
19 Daniel D. Lee, H. Sebastian Seung: Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization. NIPS 2000: 556-562
18 H. Sebastian Seung, Daniel D. Lee, Ben Y. Reis, David W. Tank: The Autapse: A Simple Illustration of Short-Term Analog Memory Storage by Tuned Synaptic Feedback. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 9(2): 171-185 (2000)
17EEXiaohui Xie, H. Sebastian Seung: Spike-based Learning Rules and Stabilization of Persistent Neural Activity. NIPS 1999: 199-208
16EEH. Sebastian Seung: Continuous attractors and oculomotor control. Neural Networks 11(7-8): 1253-1258 (1998)
15 Daniel D. Lee, H. Sebastian Seung: A Neural Network Based Head Tracking System. NIPS 1997
14 H. Sebastian Seung: Learning Continuous Attractors in Recurrent Networks. NIPS 1997
13 Jong-Hoon Oh, H. Sebastian Seung: Learning Generative Models with the Up-Propagation Algorithm. NIPS 1997
12 H. Sebastian Seung, Tom J. Richardson, J. C. Lagarias, John J. Hopfield: Minimax and Hamiltonian Dynamics of Excitatory-Inhibitory Networks. NIPS 1997
11 Nicholas D. Socci, Daniel D. Lee, H. Sebastian Seung: The Rectified Gaussian Distribution. NIPS 1997
10 Yoav Freund, H. Sebastian Seung, Eli Shamir, Naftali Tishby: Selective Sampling Using the Query by Committee Algorithm. Machine Learning 28(2-3): 133-168 (1997)
9EEDaniel D. Lee, H. Sebastian Seung: Unsupervised Learning by Convex and Conic Coding. NIPS 1996: 515-521
8 David Haussler, Michael J. Kearns, H. Sebastian Seung, Naftali Tishby: Rigorous Learning Curve Bounds from Statistical Mechanics. Machine Learning 25(2-3): 195-236 (1996)
7 Michael J. Kearns, H. Sebastian Seung: Learning from a Population of Hypotheses. Machine Learning 18(2-3): 255-276 (1995)
6EEDavid Haussler, H. Sebastian Seung, Michael J. Kearns, Naftali Tishby: Rigorous Learning Curve Bounds from Statistical Mechanics. COLT 1994: 76-87
5EEN. Barkai, H. Sebastian Seung, Haim Sompolinsky: On-line Learning of Dichotomies. NIPS 1994: 303-310
4EEMichael J. Kearns, H. Sebastian Seung: Learning from a Population of Hypotheses. COLT 1993: 101-110
3EEH. Sebastian Seung, Manfred Opper, Haim Sompolinsky: Query by Committee. COLT 1992: 287-294
2EEYoav Freund, H. Sebastian Seung, Eli Shamir, Naftali Tishby: Information, Prediction, and Query by Committee. NIPS 1992: 483-490
1EEH. Sebastian Seung, Haim Sompolinsky, Naftali Tishby: Learning Curves in Large Neural Networks. COLT 1991: 112-127

Coauthor Index

1N. Barkai [5]
2Kevin L. Briggman [32]
3Winfried Denk [32]
4Ming-fai Fong [27]
5Yoav Freund [2] [10]
6Richard H. R. Hahnloser [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
7David Haussler [6] [8]
8Moritz Helmstaedter [32]
9John J. Hopfield [12]
10Viren Jain [29] [32] [33]
11Dezhe Z. Jin [31]
12Michael J. Kearns [4] [6] [7] [8]
13Jeffrey C. Lagarias (J. C. Lagarias) [12]
14Daniel D. Lee [9] [11] [15] [18] [19]
15Joseph F. Murray [32]
16Jong-Hoon Oh [13]
17Manfred Opper [3]
18Galen Pickard [30]
19Fethi M. Ramazanoglu [31]
20Ben Y. Reis [18]
21Whitman Richards [30]
22Tom J. Richardson [12]
23Fabian Roth [32]
24Eli Shamir [2] [10]
25Jean-Jacques E. Slotine [24]
26Nicholas D. Socci [11]
27Haim Sompolinsky [1] [3] [5]
28David W. Tank [18]
29Russ Tedrake [27]
30Naftali Tishby [1] [2] [6] [8] [10]
31Srinivas Turaga [32]
32Justin Werfel [26] [28]
33Xiaohui Xie [17] [20] [22] [23] [25] [26] [28]
34Teresa Weirui Zhang [27]
35Valentin P. Zhigulin [29] [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)