
Suvrajeet Sen

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15EESuvrajeet Sen, Julia L. Higle: Stabilization of Cutting Plane Algorithms for Stochastic Linear Programming Problems. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 3669-3676
14EEJulia L. Higle, Suvrajeet Sen: Stochastic Linear Programming: Decomposition and Cutting Planes. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 3755-3760
13EELei Zhao, Suvrajeet Sen: A comparison of sample-path-based simulation-optimization and stochastic decomposition for multi-location transshipment problems. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 238-245
12EEJulia L. Higle, Suvrajeet Sen: Multistage stochastic convex programs: Duality and its implications. Annals OR 142(1): 129-146 (2006)
11EEGuglielmo Lulli, Suvrajeet Sen: A heuristic procedure for stochastic integer programs with complete recourse. European Journal of Operational Research 171(3): 879-890 (2006)
10EESuvrajeet Sen, Hanif D. Sherali: Decomposition with branch-and-cut approaches for two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programming. Math. Program. 106(2): 203-223 (2006)
9EEYijia Xu, Suvrajeet Sen: A distributed computing architecture for simulation and optimization. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 365-373
8EESuvrajeet Sen, Julia L. Higle: The C3 Theorem and a D2 Algorithm for Large Scale Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming: Set Convexification. Math. Program. 104(1): 1-20 (2005)
7EESuvrajeet Sen, Yu Lihua, Talat Genc: Asset price modeling: decision aids for scheduling and hedging (DASH) in deregulated electricity markets: a stochastic programming approach to power portfolio optimization. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 1530-1538
6EEJason Wu, Suvrajeet Sen: A Stochastic Programming Model for Currency Option Hedging. Annals OR 100(1-4): 227-249 (2000)
5 Julia L. Higle, Suvrajeet Sen: Algorithmic Implications of Duality in Stochastic Programs. System Modelling and Optimization 1999: 179-188
4 Julia L. Higle, Suvrajeet Sen: Duality and statistical tests of optimality for two stage stochastic programs. Math. Program. 75: 257-275 (1996)
3 Kelly T. Au, Julia L. Higle, Suvrajeet Sen: Inexact subgradient methods with applications in stochastic programming. Math. Program. 63: 65-82 (1994)
2 Julia L. Higle, Suvrajeet Sen: Finite master programs in regularized stochastic decomposition. Math. Program. 67: 143-168 (1994)
1EEFrederic H. Murphy, Suvrajeet Sen, Allen L. Soyster: Electric utility expansion planning in the presence of existing capacity: A nondifferentiable, convex programming approach. Computers & OR 14(1): 19-31 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Kelly T. Au [3]
2Talat Genc [7]
3Julia L. Higle [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [12] [14] [15]
4Yu Lihua [7]
5Guglielmo Lulli [11]
6Frederic H. Murphy [1]
7Hanif D. Sherali [10]
8Allen L. Soyster [1]
9Jason Wu [6]
10Yijia Xu [9]
11Lei Zhao [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)