Volume 75,
- Annelie von Arnim, Rainer Schrader, Yaoguang Wang:
The permutahedron of N-sparse posets.
1-18 BibTeX
- Zhi-Quan Luo, Jong-Shi Pang, Daniel Ralph, Shi-Quan Wu:
Exact penalization and stationarity conditions of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints.
19-76 BibTeX
- Takashi Tsuchiya, Renato D. C. Monteiro:
Superlinear convergence of the affine scaling algorithm.
77-110 BibTeX
- Roger J.-B. Wets:
Challenges in stochastic programming.
115-135 BibTeX
- Erica L. Plambeck, Bor-Ruey Fu, Stephen M. Robinson, Rajan Suri:
Sample-path optimization of convex stochastic performance functions.
137-176 BibTeX
- Søren S. Nielsen, Stavros A. Zenios:
A stochastic programming model for funding single premium deferred annuities.
177-200 BibTeX
- K. Marti:
Differentiation formulas for probability functions: The transformation method.
201-220 BibTeX
- Peter Kall, János Mayer:
SLP-IOR: An interactive model management system for stochastic linear programs.
221-240 BibTeX
- Gerd Infanger, David P. Morton:
Cut sharing for multistage stochastic linear programs with interstage dependency.
241-256 BibTeX
- Julia L. Higle, Suvrajeet Sen:
Duality and statistical tests of optimality for two stage stochastic programs.
257-275 BibTeX
- Karl Frauendorfer:
Barycentric scenario trees in convex multistage stochastic programming.
277-293 BibTeX
- N. C. P. Edirisinghe, William T. Ziemba:
Implementing bounds-based approximations in convex-concave two-stage stochastic programming.
295-325 BibTeX
- John R. Birge, Christopher J. Donohue, Derek F. Holmes, Oleg G. Svintsitski:
A parallel implementation of the nested decomposition algorithm for multistage stochastic linear programs.
327-352 BibTeX
- Miguel Constantino:
A cutting plane approach to capacitated lot-sizing with start-up costs.
353-376 BibTeX
- Hiroshi Yamashita, Hiroshi Yabe:
Superlinear and quadratic convergence of some primal-dual interior point methods for constrained optimization.
377-397 BibTeX
- Jean-Pierre Crouzeix, Jacques A. Ferland:
Criteria for differentiable generalized monotone maps.
399-406 BibTeX
- Tecla De Luca, Francisco Facchinei, Christian Kanzow:
A semismooth equation approach to the solution of nonlinear complementarity problems.
407-439 BibTeX
- D. Goeleven, G. E. Stavroulakis, P. D. Panagiotopoulos:
Sovability theory for a class of hemivariational inequalities involving copositive plus matrices Applications in robotics.
441-465 BibTeX
- E. C. Sewell:
Binary integer programs with two variables per inequality.
467-476 BibTeX
- Michael D. Grigoriadis, Leonid G. Khachiyan:
Approximate minimum-cost multicommodity flows in Õ(epsilon-2KNM) time.
477-482 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:14:03 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)