
Guglielmo Lulli

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7EEDimitris Bertsimas, Guglielmo Lulli, Amedeo R. Odoni: The Air Traffic Flow Management Problem: An Integer Optimization Approach. IPCO 2008: 34-46
6EEPaolo Dell'Olmo, Antonio Iovanella, Guglielmo Lulli, Benedetto Scoppola: Exploiting incomplete information to manage multiprocessor tasks with variable arrival rates. Computers & OR 35(5): 1589-1600 (2008)
5EEGiovanni Andreatta, Guglielmo Lulli: A multi-period TSP with stochastic regular and urgent demands. European Journal of Operational Research 185(1): 122-132 (2008)
4EEMarco Campetella, Guglielmo Lulli, Ugo Pietropaoli, Nicoletta Ricciardi: Freight Service Design for the Italian Railways Company. ATMOS 2006
3EEGuglielmo Lulli, Suvrajeet Sen: A heuristic procedure for stochastic integer programs with complete recourse. European Journal of Operational Research 171(3): 879-890 (2006)
2EEPaolo Dell'Olmo, Guglielmo Lulli: Planning Activities in a Network of Logistic Platforms with Shared Resources. Annals OR 129(1-4): 155-169 (2004)
1EEPaolo Dell'Olmo, Guglielmo Lulli: A new hierarchical architecture for Air Traffic Management: Optimisation of airway capacity in a Free Flight scenario. European Journal of Operational Research 144(1): 179-193 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Giovanni Andreatta [5]
2Dimitris Bertsimas [7]
3Marco Campetella [4]
4Paolo Dell'Olmo [1] [2] [6]
5Antonio Iovanella [6]
6Amedeo R. Odoni [7]
7Ugo Pietropaoli [4]
8Nicoletta Ricciardi [4]
9Benedetto Scoppola [6]
10Suvrajeet Sen [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)