2009 |
11 | EE | Aditya V. Nori,
Sriram K. Rajamani,
SaiDeep Tetali,
Aditya V. Thakur:
The YogiProject: Software Property Checking via Static Analysis and Testing.
TACAS 2009: 178-181 |
2008 |
10 | EE | Nels Beckman,
Aditya V. Nori,
Sriram K. Rajamani,
Robert J. Simmons:
Proofs from tests.
ISSTA 2008: 3-14 |
9 | EE | Bhargav S. Gulavani,
Supratik Chakraborty,
Aditya V. Nori,
Sriram K. Rajamani:
Automatically Refining Abstract Interpretations.
TACAS 2008: 443-458 |
8 | EE | Madhu Gopinathan,
Aditya V. Nori,
Sriram K. Rajamani:
Combining Tests and Proofs.
VSTTE 2008: 4-5 |
7 | EE | Patrice Godefroid,
Jonathan de Halleux,
Aditya V. Nori,
Sriram K. Rajamani,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann,
Michael Y. Levin:
Automating Software Testing Using Program Analysis.
IEEE Software 25(5): 30-37 (2008) |
2007 |
6 | EE | Trishul M. Chilimbi,
Aditya V. Nori,
Kapil Vaswani:
Quantifying the effectiveness of testing via efficient residual path profiling.
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 545-548 |
5 | EE | Trishul M. Chilimbi,
Aditya V. Nori,
Kapil Vaswani:
Quantifying the effectiveness of testing via efficient residual path profiling.
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE (Companion) 2007: 545-548 |
4 | EE | Kapil Vaswani,
Aditya V. Nori,
Trishul M. Chilimbi:
Preferential path profiling: compactly numbering interesting paths.
POPL 2007: 351-362 |
2006 |
3 | EE | Bhargav S. Gulavani,
Thomas A. Henzinger,
Yamini Kannan,
Aditya V. Nori,
Sriram K. Rajamani:
SYNERGY: a new algorithm for property checking.
SIGSOFT FSE 2006: 117-127 |
2 | EE | Aditya V. Nori,
P. Shankar:
Unifying Views of Tail-Biting Trellis Constructions for Linear Block Codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(10): 4431-4443 (2006) |
2002 |
1 | | Helmut Seidl,
Aditya V. Nori:
On the Expressiveness of Tree Set Operators
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 02-17: (2002) |