
Ryan Schmidt

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7EERyan Schmidt, Karan Singh, Ravin Balakrishnan: Sketching and Composing Widgets for 3D Manipulation. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(2): 301-310 (2008)
6EERyan Schmidt, Karan Singh: Sketch-Based Procedural Surface Modeling and Compositing Using Surface Trees. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(2): 321-330 (2008)
5EERyan Schmidt, Tobias Isenberg, Pauline Jepp, Karan Singh, Brian Wyvill: Sketching, Scaffolding, and Inking: A Visual History for Interactive 3D Modeling. NPAR 2007: 23-32
4EERyan Schmidt, Cindy Grimm, Brian Wyvill: Interactive decal compositing with discrete exponential maps. ACM Trans. Graph. 25(3): 605-613 (2006)
3EEBrian Wyvill, Kevin Foster, Pauline Jepp, Ryan Schmidt, Mario Costa Sousa, Joaquim A. Jorge: Sketch Based Construction and Rendering of Implicit Models. Computational Aesthetics 2005: 67-74
2EERyan Schmidt, Brian Wyvill: Generalized sweep templates for implicit modeling. GRAPHITE 2005: 187-196
1EERyan Schmidt, Brian Wyvill, Eric Galin: Interactive Implicit Modeling with Hierarchical Spatial Caching. SMI 2005: 104-113

Coauthor Index

1Ravin Balakrishnan [7]
2Kevin Foster [3]
3Eric Galin [1]
4Cindy Grimm (Cindy M. Grimm) [4]
5Tobias Isenberg [5]
6Pauline Jepp [3] [5]
7Joaquim A. Jorge (Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge) [3]
8Karan Singh [5] [6] [7]
9Mario Costa Sousa [3]
10Brian Wyvill [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)