
Konrad Schindler

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29EEAndreas Ess, Bastian Leibe, Konrad Schindler, Luc J. Van Gool: A mobile vision system for robust multi-person tracking. CVPR 2008
28EEKonrad Schindler, Luc J. Van Gool: Action snippets: How many frames does human action recognition require? CVPR 2008
27EEKonrad Schindler, Luc J. Van Gool: Combining Densely Sampled Form and Motion for Human Action Recognition. DAGM-Symposium 2008: 122-131
26EEStephan Gammeter, Andreas Ess, Tobias Jaeggli, Konrad Schindler, Bastian Leibe, Luc J. Van Gool: Articulated Multi-body Tracking under Egomotion. ECCV (2) 2008: 816-830
25EEKonrad Schindler, David Suter, Hanzi Wang: A Model-Selection Framework for Multibody Structure-and-Motion of Image Sequences. International Journal of Computer Vision 79(2): 159-177 (2008)
24EEKonrad Schindler, Luc J. Van Gool, Béatrice de Gelder: Recognizing emotions expressed by body pose: A biologically inspired neural model. Neural Networks 21(9): 1238-1246 (2008)
23EEKonrad Schindler, David Suter: Object detection by global contour shape. Pattern Recognition 41(12): 3736-3748 (2008)
22EEBastian Leibe, Konrad Schindler, Luc J. Van Gool: Coupled Detection and Trajectory Estimation for Multi-Object Tracking. ICCV 2007: 1-8
21EEKemal Egemen Ozden, Konrad Schindler, Luc J. Van Gool: Simultaneous Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Monocular Image Sequences. ICCV 2007: 1-8
20EETat-Jun Chin, Liang Wang, Konrad Schindler, David Suter: Extrapolating Learned Manifolds for Human Activity Recognition. ICIP (1) 2007: 381-384
19EEHanzi Wang, David Suter, Konrad Schindler, Chunhua Shen: Adaptive Object Tracking Based on an Effective Appearance Filter. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(9): 1661-1667 (2007)
18EEKonrad Schindler, Hanzi Wang: Smooth Foreground-Background Segmentation for Video Processing. ACCV (2) 2006: 581-590
17EEKonrad Schindler, James U, Hanzi Wang: Perspective n-View Multibody Structure-and-Motion Through Model Selection. ECCV (1) 2006: 606-619
16EEHanzi Wang, David Suter, Konrad Schindler: Effective Appearance Model and Similarity Measure for Particle Filtering and Visual Tracking. ECCV (3) 2006: 606-618
15EETat-Jun Chin, Konrad Schindler, David Suter: Incremental Kernel SVD for Face Recognition with Image Sets. FG 2006: 461-466
14EEKonrad Schindler: Geometry and construction of straight lines in log-polar images. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 103(3): 196-207 (2006)
13EEKonrad Schindler, David Suter: Two-View Multibody Structure-and-Motion with Outliers through Model Selection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(6): 983-995 (2006)
12EEFriedrich Fraundorfer, Konrad Schindler, Horst Bischof: Piecewise planar scene reconstruction from sparse correspondences. Image Vision Comput. 24(4): 395-406 (2006)
11EEKonrad Schindler, David Suter: Two-View Multibody Structure-and-Motion with Outliers. CVPR (2) 2005: 676-683
10EETat-Jun Chin, James U, Konrad Schindler, David Suter: Face Recognition from Video by Matching Image Sets. DICTA 2005: 28
9EEKonrad Schindler: Spatially consistent 3D motion segmentation. ICIP (3) 2005: 409-412
8EEKonrad Schindler, Horst Bischof: The Epipolar Geometry of the Log-Polar Image Plane. ICPR (4) 2004: 40-43
7EEKonrad Schindler, Horst Bischof: On Robust Regression in Photogrammetric Point Clouds. DAGM-Symposium 2003: 172-178
6EEKonrad Schindler, Joachim Bauer: A Model-Based Method For Building Reconstruction. HLK 2003: 74-82
5EEKonrad Schindler: Generalized Use of Homographies for Piecewise Planar Reconstruction. SCIA 2003: 470-476
4EEKonrad Schindler, Joachim Bauer: Towards Feature-Based Building Reconstruction from Images. WSCG 2003
3 Andreas Klaus, Joachim Bauer, Konrad F. Karner, Konrad Schindler: Metropogis: a city information system. ICIP (3) 2002: 533-536
2EEJohn Cosmas, Take Itagaki, Damian Green, Edward Grabczewski, Fred Weimer, Luc J. Van Gool, Alexey Zalesny, Desi Vanrintel, Franz Leberl, Markus Grabner, Konrad Schindler, Konrad F. Karner, Michael Gervautz, Stefan Hynst, Marc Waelkens, Marc Pollefeys, Roland DeGeest, Robert Sablatnig, Martin Kampel: 3D MURALE: a multimedia system for archaeology. Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage 2001: 297-306
1EEStefan Hynst, Michael Gervautz, Markus Grabner, Konrad Schindler: A work-flow and data model for reconstruction, management, and visualization of archaeological sites. Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage 2001: 43-52

Coauthor Index

1Joachim Bauer [3] [4] [6]
2Horst Bischof [7] [8] [12]
3Tat-Jun Chin [10] [15] [20]
4John Cosmas [2]
5Roland DeGeest [2]
6Andreas Ess [26] [29]
7Friedrich Fraundorfer [12]
8Stephan Gammeter [26]
9Béatrice de Gelder [24]
10Michael Gervautz [1] [2]
11Luc J. Van Gool [2] [21] [22] [24] [26] [27] [28] [29]
12Edward Grabczewski [2]
13Markus Grabner [1] [2]
14Damian Green [2]
15Stefan Hynst [1] [2]
16Takebumi Itagaki (Take Itagaki) [2]
17Tobias Jaeggli [26]
18Martin Kampel [2]
19Konrad F. Karner [2] [3]
20Andreas Klaus [3]
21Franz Leberl [2]
22Bastian Leibe [22] [26] [29]
23Kemal Egemen Ozden [21]
24Marc Pollefeys [2]
25Robert Sablatnig [2]
26Chunhua Shen [19]
27David Suter [10] [11] [13] [15] [16] [19] [20] [23] [25]
28James U [10] [17]
29Desi Vanrintel [2]
30Marc Waelkens [2]
31Hanzi Wang [16] [17] [18] [19] [25]
32Liang Wang [20]
33Fred Weimer [2]
34Alexey Zalesny [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)