
Hitoshi Sasaki

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8EEShinya Aoi, Hitoshi Sasaki, Kazuo Tsuchiya: Turning Maneuvers of a Multi-legged Modular Robot Using Its Inherent Dynamic Characteristics. IROS 2006: 180-185
7EEHitoshi Sasaki, Shoichi Iwasaki, Makoto Takeya: Implementation of a framework for development of teaching material using distributed sharing virtual space. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(14): 97-106 (2006)
6EEJun Ito, Hitoshi Sasaki: Development of the e-Notebook System that Can Save Relation between Learning Contents and Web Pages. ICALT 2005: 363-364
5EENobuyoshi Yonezawa, Hitoshi Sasaki, Zenju Otsuki, Masahiro Ukigai, Youzou Miyadera, Takashi Okunuki, Shoji Yoshihara, Takateru Kamei: Presentation system of still picture teaching material using the implant-JPEG. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(14): 96-105 (2004)
4 Hitoshi Sasaki, Shoichi Iwasaki, Makoto Takeya: Common Framework Design for Development of 3D Learning Materials in Virtual Space. ICCE 2002: 1128-1131
3EEKimihiro Shirato, Hitoshi Sasaki, Makoto Takeya: Development and application of a distance learning system by using virtual reality technology. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(4): 61-68 (2002)
2EEHitoshi Sasaki, Makoto Takeya: Development of teaching material for cultivating logical thinking ability in a confrontational game system. Systems and Computers in Japan 32(9): 1-10 (2001)
1EEMitsuho Seki, Kenji Inoue, Kazuo Kato, Kouki Tsurusaki, Shin'ichi Fukasawa, Hitoshi Sasaki, Mutsuhito Aizawa: A specified delay accomplishing clock router using multiple layers. ICCAD 1994: 289-292

Coauthor Index

1Mutsuhito Aizawa [1]
2Shinya Aoi [8]
3Shin'ichi Fukasawa [1]
4Kenji Inoue [1]
5Jun Ito [6]
6Shoichi Iwasaki [4] [7]
7Takateru Kamei [5]
8Kazuo Kato [1]
9Youzou Miyadera [5]
10Takashi Okunuki [5]
11Zenju Otsuki [5]
12Mitsuho Seki [1]
13Kimihiro Shirato [3]
14Makoto Takeya [2] [3] [4] [7]
15Kazuo Tsuchiya [8]
16Kouki Tsurusaki [1]
17Masahiro Ukigai [5]
18Nobuyoshi Yonezawa [5]
19Shoji Yoshihara [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)