
Amir Said

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27EEAmir Said, Debargha Mukherjee: Exploiting patterns of data magnitude for efficient image coding. ICIP 2008: 2900-2903
26EEAmaro A. de Lima, Fabio P. Freeland, Rafael A. de Jesus, Bruno C. Bispo, Luiz W. P. Biscainho, Sergio L. Netto, Amir Said, Antonius A. C. M. Kalker, Ronald Schafer, Bowon Lee, Mehrban Jam: On the quality assessment of sound signals. ISCAS 2008: 416-419
25EEWilliam A. Pearlman, Amir Said: Set Partition Coding: Part I of Set Partition Coding and Image Wavelet Coding Systems. Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing 2(2): 95-180 (2008)
24EEWilliam A. Pearlman, Amir Said: Set Partition Coding: Part II of Set Partition Coding and Image Wavelet Coding Systems. Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing 2(3): 181-246 (2008)
23EEAmir Said: A New Class of Filters for Image Interpolation and Resizing. ICIP (4) 2007: 217-220
22EEAmir Said: Analysis of Subframe Generation for Superimposed Images. ICIP 2006: 401-404
21EEAmir Said: Efficient Alphabet Partitioning Algorithms for Low-Complexity Entropy Coding. DCC 2005: 183-192
20EEYushin Cho, Amir Said, William A. Pearlman: Coding the Wavelet Spatial Orientation Tree with Low Computational Complexity. DCC 2005: 455
19EEAmir Said: Measuring the strength of partial encryption schemes. ICIP (2) 2005: 1126-1129
18EEYushin Cho, William A. Pearlman, Amir Said: Low complexity resolution progressive image coding algorithm: progres (progressive resolution decompression). ICIP (3) 2005: 49-52
17EEAmir Said, Sehoon Yea, William A. Pearlman: Coding for Fast Access to Image Regions Defined by Pixel Range. Data Compression Conference 2004: 489-497
16EEAmir Said: Comparative Analysis of Arithmetic Coding Computational Complexity. Data Compression Conference 2004: 562
15 Ramin Samadani, Arvind Sundararajan, Amir Said: Deringing and deblocking dct compression artifacts with efficient shifted transforms. ICIP 2004: 1799-1802
14 Debargha Mukherjee, Geraldine Kuo, Shih-Ta Hsiang, Sam Liu, Amir Said: Format-independent scalable bit-stream adaptation using mpeg-21 dia. ICIP 2004: 2793-2796
13 Amir Said: Efficient and reliable dynamic quality control for compression of compound document images. ICIP 2004: 2869-2872
12EESehoon Yea, Amir Said, William A. Pearlman: Efficient image coding for access to pixel ranges. ICIP 2004: 425-428
11EEWilliam A. Pearlman, Asad Islam, Nithin Nagaraj, Amir Said: Efficient, low-complexity image coding with a set-partitioning embedded block coder. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 14(11): 1219-1235 (2004)
10 Debargha Mukherjee, Peisong Chen, Shih-Ta Hsiang, John W. Woods, Amir Said: Fully scalable video transmission using the SSM adaptation framework. VCIP 2003: 664-681
9 Debargha Mukherjee, Christos Chrysafis, Amir Said: Low complexity guaranteed fit compound document compression. ICIP (1) 2002: 225-228
8 Debargha Mukherjee, Christos Chrysafis, Amir Said: JPEG2000-matched MRC compression of compound documents. ICIP (3) 2002: 73-76
7EEDebargha Mukherjee, Nasir D. Memon, Amir Said: JPEG-matched MRC compression of compound documents. ICIP (3) 2001: 434-437
6 Amir Said, Alexander Drukarev: Simplified Segmentation for Compound Image Compression. ICIP (1) 1999: 229-233
5 Amir Said, John B. Anderson: Bandwidth-Efficient Coded Modulation with Optimized Linear Partial-Response Signals. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(2): 701-713 (1998)
4EEAmir Said, William A. Pearlman: An image multiresolution representation for lossless and lossy compression. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(9): 1303-1310 (1996)
3 Amir Said, Reginaldo Palazzo Jr.: New ternary and quaternary linear block codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(5): 1625-1628 (1996)
2 Amir Said, William A. Pearlman: Image compression using the spatial-orientation tree. ISCAS 1993: 279-282
1 Amir Said, Reginaldo Palazzo Jr.: Using combinatorial optimization to design good unit-memory convolutional codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(3): 1100- (1993)

Coauthor Index

1John B. Anderson [5]
2Luiz W. P. Biscainho [26]
3Bruno C. Bispo [26]
4Peisong Chen [10]
5Yushin Cho [18] [20]
6Christos Chrysafis [8] [9]
7Alexander Drukarev [6]
8Fabio P. Freeland [26]
9Shih-Ta Hsiang [10] [14]
10Asad Islam [11]
11Mehrban Jam [26]
12Rafael A. de Jesus [26]
13Antonius A. C. M. Kalker [26]
14Geraldine Kuo [14]
15Bowon Lee [26]
16Amaro A. de Lima [26]
17Sam Liu [14]
18Nasir D. Memon [7]
19Debargha Mukherjee [7] [8] [9] [10] [14] [27]
20Nithin Nagaraj [11]
21Sergio L. Netto [26]
22Reginaldo Palazzo Jr. [1] [3]
23William A. Pearlman [2] [4] [11] [12] [17] [18] [20] [24] [25]
24Ramin Samadani [15]
25Ronald Schafer [26]
26Arvind Sundararajan [15]
27John W. Woods [10]
28Sehoon Yea [12] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)