
Jaime Sánchez

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27EEJaime Sánchez, Héctor Flores, Mauricio Sáenz: Mobile science learning for the blind. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3201-3206
26EEJaime Sánchez, Fernando Aguayo: AudioGene: Mobile Learning Genetics through Audio by Blind Learners. Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society 2008: 79-86
25EEJaime Sánchez, Alvaro Salinas: Science problem solving learning through mobile gaming. Mindtrek 2008: 49-53
24EEJaime Sánchez, Alvaro Salinas, Mauricio Sáenz: Mobile Game-Based Methodology for Science Learning. HCI (4) 2007: 322-331
23EEJaime Sánchez, Mauricio Sáenz, Nelson Baloian: Mobile Application Model for the Blind. HCI (5) 2007: 527-536
22EEJaime Sánchez, Iván Galáz: AudioStoryTeller: Enforcing Blind Children Reading Skills. HCI (7) 2007: 786-795
21EEJaime Sánchez, Miguel Elías: Guidelines for Designing Mobility and Orientation Software for Blind Children. INTERACT (1) 2007: 375-388
20EEAlbert N. Badre, Stefano Levialdi, Jim Foley, John Thomas, Carol Strohecker, Antonella De Angeli, Preetha Ram, Ashwin Ram, Jaime Sánchez: Human Centric E-Learning and the Challenge of Cultural Localization. INTERACT (2) 2007: 690-691
19EEJaime Sánchez: A Model to Design Multimedia Software for Learners with Visual Disabilities. Education for the 21st Century 2006: 195-204
18EEJaime Sánchez, Nelson A. Baloian: Issues in Implementing Awareness in Collaborative Software for Blind People. ICCHP 2006: 1318-1325
17EEJaime Sánchez, Nelson A. Baloian: Modeling 3D Interactive Environments for Learners with Visual Disabilities. ICCHP 2006: 1326-1333
16EEJaime Sánchez, Fernando Aguayo: APL: Audio Programming Language for Blind Learners. ICCHP 2006: 1334-1341
15EEJaime Sánchez, Fernando Aguayo: Mobile Messenger for the Blind. Universal Access in Ambient Intelligence Environments 2006: 369-385
14EEJaime Sánchez, Eduardo Maureira: Subway Mobility Assistance Tools for Blind Users. Universal Access in Ambient Intelligence Environments 2006: 386-404
13EEJaime Sánchez, Mauricio Sáenz: 3D sound interactive environments for blind children problem solving skills. Behaviour & IT 25(4): 367-378 (2006)
12EEFernando J. Aguilar, Manuel A. Aguilar, Francisco Agüera, Jaime Sánchez: The accuracy of grid digital elevation models linearly constructed from scattered sample data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 20(2): 169-192 (2006)
11EEJaime Sánchez, Mauricio Sáenz: 3D sound interactive environments for problem solving. ASSETS 2005: 173-179
10EEJaime Sánchez, Fernando Aguayo: Blind learners programming through audio. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1769-1772
9EEJaime Sánchez, Héctor Flores: Memory enhancement through audio. ASSETS 2004: 24-31
8EEJaime Sánchez, Nelson A. Baloian, Tiago Hassler: Blind to Sighted Children Interaction Through Collaborative Environments. CRIWG 2004: 192-205
7EEJaime Sánchez, Nelson A. Baloian, Tiago Hassler, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe: AudioBattleship: blind learners collaboration through sound. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 798-799
6EENelson A. Baloian, Wolfram Luther, Jaime Sánchez: Modeling educational software for people with disabilities: theory and practice. ASSETS 2002: 111-118
5EEMauricio Lumbreras, Jaime Sánchez: Interactive 3D Sound Hyperstories for Blind Children. CHI 1999: 318-325
4 Jaime Sánchez, Omar Alonso: GUI Evaluation Through Web. HCI (2) 1997: 827-830
3EEMauricio Lumbreras, Jaime Sánchez: Hyperstories: A Model to Specify and Design Interactive Educational Stories. SCCC 1997: 135-146
2 Jaime Sánchez, Omar Alonso: A Web-based tool for evaluating user-computer interaction. WebNet 1996
1 Jaime Sánchez, Mauricio Lumbreras, Luis Mariano Bibbo: Hyperstrories for Learning. IWHD 1995: 216-225

Coauthor Index

1Fernando Aguayo [10] [15] [16] [26]
2Francisco Agüera [12]
3Fernando J. Aguilar [12]
4Manuel A. Aguilar [12]
5Omar Alonso [2] [4]
6Antonella De Angeli [20]
7Albert N. Badre (Al Badre) [20]
8Nelson Baloian (Nelson A. Baloian) [6] [7] [8] [17] [18] [23]
9Luis Mariano Bibbo [1]
10Miguel Elías [21]
11Héctor Flores [9] [27]
12Jim Foley [20]
13Iván Galáz [22]
14Tiago Hassler [7] [8]
15Heinz Ulrich Hoppe [7]
16Stefano Levialdi (Stefano Levialdi Ghiron) [20]
17Mauricio Lumbreras [1] [3] [5]
18Wolfram Luther [6]
19Eduardo Maureira [14]
20Ashwin Ram [20]
21Preetha Ram [20]
22Mauricio Sáenz [11] [13] [23] [24] [27]
23Alvaro Salinas [24] [25]
24Carol Strohecker [20]
25John Thomas [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)