
David E. Rumelhart

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13 Christine L. Lisetti, David E. Rumelhart: Facial Expression Recognition Using a Neural Network. FLAIRS Conference 1998: 328-332
12 David E. Rumelhart, Bernard Widrow, Michael A. Lehr: The Basic Ideas in Neural Networks. Commun. ACM 37(3): 87-92 (1994)
11 Bernard Widrow, David E. Rumelhart, Michael A. Lehr: Neural Networks: Applications in Industry, Business and Science. Commun. ACM 37(3): 93-105 (1994)
10EEDaniel J. Rosen, David E. Rumelhart, Eric I. Knudsen: A Connectionist Model of the Owl's Sound Localization System. NIPS 1993: 606-613
9EEMichael Cohen, Horacio Franco, Nelson Morgan, David E. Rumelhart, Victor Abrash: Context-Dependent Multiple Distribution Phonetic Modeling with MLPs. NIPS 1992: 649-657
8 Michael I. Jordan, David E. Rumelhart: Forward Models: Supervised Learning with a Distal Teacher. Cognitive Science 16(3): 307-354 (1992)
7 Michael I. Jordan, David E. Rumelhart: Internal World Models and Supervised Learning. ML 1991: 70-74
6EEJames D. Keeler, David E. Rumelhart: A Self-Organizing Integrated Segmentation and Recognition Neural Net. NIPS 1991: 496-503
5EEJames D. Keeler, David E. Rumelhart, Wee Kheng Leow: Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Hand-Printed Numerals. NIPS 1990: 557-563
4EEAndreas S. Weigend, David E. Rumelhart, Bernardo A. Huberman: Generalization by Weight-Elimination with Application to Forecasting. NIPS 1990: 875-882
3EEAndreas S. Weigend, Bernardo A. Huberman, David E. Rumelhart: Predicting the Future: a Connectionist Approach. Int. J. Neural Syst. 1(3): 193-209 (1990)
2 David E. Rumelhart, David Zipser: Feature Discovery by Competive Learning. Cognitive Science 9(1): 75-112 (1985)
1 David E. Rumelhart, Donald A. Norman: Active Semantic Networks as a Model of Human Memory. IJCAI 1973: 450-457

Coauthor Index

1Victor Abrash [9]
2Michael Cohen [9]
3Horacio Franco [9]
4Bernardo A. Huberman [3] [4]
5Michael I. Jordan [7] [8]
6James D. Keeler [5] [6]
7Eric I. Knudsen [10]
8Michael A. Lehr [11] [12]
9Wee Kheng Leow [5]
10Christine L. Lisetti [13]
11Nelson Morgan [9]
12Donald A. Norman [1]
13Daniel J. Rosen [10]
14Andreas S. Weigend [3] [4]
15Bernard Widrow [11] [12]
16David Zipser [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)