
Manuel Ruiz

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9EEPierre Larmande, Céline Gay, Mathias Lorieux, Christophe Périn, Matthieu Bouniol, Gaëtan Droc, Christophe Sallaud, Pascual Perez, Isabelle Barnola, Corinne Biderre-Petit, Jérôme Martin, Jean Benoît Morel, Alexander A. T. Johnson, Fabienne Bourgis, Alain Ghesquière, Manuel Ruiz, Brigitte Courtois, Emmanuel Guiderdoni: Oryza Tag Line, a phenotypic mutant database for the Génoplante rice insertion line library. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 1022-1027 (2008)
8EESamart Wanchana, Supat Thongjuea, Victor Jun M. Ulat, Mylah Anacleto, Ramil Mauleon, Matthieu Conte, Mathieu Rouard, Manuel Ruiz, Nandini Krishnamurthy, Kimmen Sjölander, Theo van Hintum, Richard M. Bruskiewich: The Generation Challenge Programme comparative plant stress-responsive gene catalogue. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 943-946 (2008)
7EEGaëtan Droc, Manuel Ruiz, Pierre Larmande, A. Pereira, P. Piffanelli, Jean Benoît Morel, A. Dievart, Brigitte Courtois, Emmanuel Guiderdoni, Christophe Périn: OryGenesDB: a database for rice reverse genetics. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 736-740 (2006)
6 Quentin Kaas, Manuel Ruiz, Marie-Paule Lefranc: IMGT/3Dstructure-DB and IMGT/StructuralQuery, a database and a tool for immunoglobulin, T cell receptor and MHC structural data. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 208-210 (2004)
5 Manuel Ruiz, Mathieu Rouard, Louis Marie Raboin, Marc Lartaud, Pierre Lagoda, Brigitte Courtois: TropGENE-DB, a multi-tropical crop information system. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 364-367 (2004)
4 Cyril Sarrauste de Menthière, Stéphane Terrière, Denis Pugnère, Manuel Ruiz, Jacques Demaille, Isabelle Touitou: INFEVERS: the Registry for FMF and hereditary inflammatory disorders mutations. Nucleic Acids Research 31(1): 282-285 (2003)
3 Denis Pugnère, Manuel Ruiz, Cyril Sarrauste de Menthière, Benjamin Masdoua, Jacques Demaille, Isabelle Touitou: The MetaFMF website: a high quality tool for meta-analysis of FMF. Nucleic Acids Research 31(1): 286-290 (2003)
2 Manuel Ruiz, Véronique Giudicelli, Chantal Ginestoux, Peter Stoehr, James Robinson, Julia G. Bodmer, Steven G. E. Marsh, Ronald Bontrop, Marc Lemaitre, Gérard Lefranc, Denys Chaume, Marie-Paule Lefranc: IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics database. Nucleic Acids Research 28(1): 219-221 (2000)
1 Manuel Ruiz, Gérard Mennessier, Véronique Giudicelli, Denys Chaume, Marie-Paule Lefranc: IMGT/Collier de Perles, a LIGM-DB tool for Immunoglobulin and T-Cell Receptor 2D representations. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1998

Coauthor Index

1Mylah Anacleto [8]
2Isabelle Barnola [9]
3Corinne Biderre-Petit [9]
4Julia G. Bodmer [2]
5Ronald Bontrop [2]
6Matthieu Bouniol [9]
7Fabienne Bourgis [9]
8Richard M. Bruskiewich [8]
9Denys Chaume [1] [2]
10Matthieu Conte [8]
11Brigitte Courtois [5] [7] [9]
12Jacques Demaille [3] [4]
13A. Dievart [7]
14Gaëtan Droc [7] [9]
15Céline Gay [9]
16Alain Ghesquière [9]
17Chantal Ginestoux [2]
18Véronique Giudicelli [1] [2]
19Emmanuel Guiderdoni [7] [9]
20Theo van Hintum [8]
21Alexander A. T. Johnson [9]
22Quentin Kaas [6]
23Nandini Krishnamurthy [8]
24Pierre Lagoda [5]
25Pierre Larmande [7] [9]
26Marc Lartaud [5]
27Gérard Lefranc [2]
28Marie-Paule Lefranc [1] [2] [6]
29Marc Lemaitre [2]
30Mathias Lorieux [9]
31Steven G. E. Marsh [2]
32Jérôme Martin [9]
33Benjamin Masdoua [3]
34Ramil Mauleon [8]
35Gérard Mennessier [1]
36Cyril Sarrauste de Menthière [3] [4]
37Jean Benoît Morel [7] [9]
38A. Pereira [7]
39Pascual Perez [9]
40Christophe Périn [7] [9]
41P. Piffanelli [7]
42Denis Pugnère [3] [4]
43Louis Marie Raboin [5]
44James Robinson [2]
45Mathieu Rouard [5] [8]
46Christophe Sallaud [9]
47Kimmen Sjölander [8]
48Peter Stoehr [2]
49Stéphane Terrière [4]
50Supat Thongjuea [8]
51Isabelle Touitou [3] [4]
52Victor Jun M. Ulat [8]
53Samart Wanchana [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)