
Quentin Kaas

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9EEQuentin Kaas, Jan-C. Westermann, Reena Halai, Conan K. L. Wang, David J. Craik: ConoServer, a database for conopeptide sequences and structures. Bioinformatics 24(3): 445-446 (2008)
8EEConan K. L. Wang, Quentin Kaas, Laurent Chiche, David J. Craik: CyBase: a database of cyclic protein sequences and structures, with applications in protein discovery and engineering. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 206-210 (2008)
7EEJérôme Gracy, Dung Le-Nguyen, Jean-Christophe Gelly, Quentin Kaas, Annie Heitz, Laurent Chiche: KNOTTIN: the knottin or inhibitor cystine knot scaffold in 2007. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 314-319 (2008)
6EEMarie-Paule Lefranc, Véronique Giudicelli, Quentin Kaas, Elodie Duprat, Joumana Jabado-Michaloud, Dominique Scaviner, Chantal Ginestoux, Oliver Clément, Denys Chaume, Gérard Lefranc: IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue): 593-597 (2005)
5EEMarie-Paule Lefranc, Oliver Clément, Quentin Kaas, Elodie Duprat, Patrick Chastellan, Isabelle Coelho, Kora Combres, Chantal Ginestoux, Véronique Giudicelli, Denys Chaume, Gérard Lefranc: IMGT-Choreography for immunogenetics and immunoinformatics. In Silico Biology 5: (2004)
4 Jean-Christophe Gelly, Jérôme Gracy, Quentin Kaas, Dung Le-Nguyen, Annie Heitz, Laurent Chiche: The KNOTTIN website and database: a new information system dedicated to the knottin scaffold. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 156-159 (2004)
3 Quentin Kaas, Manuel Ruiz, Marie-Paule Lefranc: IMGT/3Dstructure-DB and IMGT/StructuralQuery, a database and a tool for immunoglobulin, T cell receptor and MHC structural data. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 208-210 (2004)
2EEMarie-Paule Lefranc, Véronique Giudicelli, Chantal Ginestoux, Nathalie Bosc, Géraldine Folch, Delphine Guiraudou, Joumana Jabado-Michaloud, Séverine Magris, Dominique Scaviner, Valérie Thouvenin, Kora Combres, David Girod, Stéphanie Jeanjean, Céline Protat, Mehdi Yousfi Monod, Elodie Duprat, Quentin Kaas, Christelle Pommié, Denys Chaume, Gérard Lefranc: IMGT-ONTOLOGY for immunogenetics and immunoinformatics. In Silico Biology 4: (2003)
1 Charlotte M. Deane, Quentin Kaas, Tom L. Blundell: SCORE: predicting the core of protein models. Bioinformatics 17(6): 541-550 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Tom L. Blundell [1]
2Nathalie Bosc [2]
3Patrick Chastellan [5]
4Denys Chaume [2] [5] [6]
5Laurent Chiche [4] [7] [8]
6Oliver Clément [5] [6]
7Isabelle Coelho [5]
8Kora Combres [2] [5]
9David J. Craik [8] [9]
10Charlotte M. Deane [1]
11Elodie Duprat [2] [5] [6]
12Géraldine Folch [2]
13Jean-Christophe Gelly [4] [7]
14Chantal Ginestoux [2] [5] [6]
15David Girod [2]
16Véronique Giudicelli [2] [5] [6]
17Jérôme Gracy [4] [7]
18Delphine Guiraudou [2]
19Reena Halai [9]
20Annie Heitz [4] [7]
21Joumana Jabado-Michaloud [2] [6]
22Stéphanie Jeanjean [2]
23Dung Le-Nguyen [4] [7]
24Gérard Lefranc [2] [5] [6]
25Marie-Paule Lefranc [2] [3] [5] [6]
26Séverine Magris [2]
27Mehdi Yousfi Monod [2]
28Christelle Pommié [2]
29Céline Protat [2]
30Manuel Ruiz [3]
31Dominique Scaviner [2] [6]
32Valérie Thouvenin [2]
33Conan K. L. Wang [8] [9]
34Jan-C. Westermann [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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