
Jérôme Martin

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8EEPierre Larmande, Céline Gay, Mathias Lorieux, Christophe Périn, Matthieu Bouniol, Gaëtan Droc, Christophe Sallaud, Pascual Perez, Isabelle Barnola, Corinne Biderre-Petit, Jérôme Martin, Jean Benoît Morel, Alexander A. T. Johnson, Fabienne Bourgis, Alain Ghesquière, Manuel Ruiz, Brigitte Courtois, Emmanuel Guiderdoni: Oryza Tag Line, a phenotypic mutant database for the Génoplante rice insertion line library. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 1022-1027 (2008)
7EEChristophe Le Gal, Jérôme Martin, Augustin Lux, James L. Crowley: Smart Office: Design of an Intelligent Environment. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(4): 60-66 (2001)
6EEDaniela Hall, Christophe Le Gal, Jérôme Martin, Olivier Chomat, James L. Crowley: MagicBoard: A contribution to an intelligent office environment. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 35(3-4): 211-220 (2001)
5EEOlivier Chomat, Jérôme Martin, James L. Crowley: A Probabilistic Sensor for the Perception and Recognition of Activities. ECCV (1) 2000: 487-503
4EEJérôme Martin, Jean-Baptiste Durand: Automatic Handwriting Gestures Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models. FG 2000: 403-409
3EEJérôme Martin, Daniela Hall, James L. Crowley: Statistical Gesture Recognition Through Modelling of Parameter Trajectories. Gesture Workshop 1999: 129-140
2 Jérôme Martin, Vincent E. Devin, James L. Crowley: Active Hand Tracking. FG 1998: 573-578
1 Jérôme Martin, James L. Crowley: An Appearance-Based Approach to Gesture-Recognition. ICIAP (2) 1997: 340-347

Coauthor Index

1Isabelle Barnola [8]
2Corinne Biderre-Petit [8]
3Matthieu Bouniol [8]
4Fabienne Bourgis [8]
5Olivier Chomat [5] [6]
6Brigitte Courtois [8]
7James L. Crowley [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
8Vincent E. Devin [2]
9Gaëtan Droc [8]
10Jean-Baptiste Durand [4]
11Christophe Le Gal [6] [7]
12Céline Gay [8]
13Alain Ghesquière [8]
14Emmanuel Guiderdoni [8]
15Daniela Hall [3] [6]
16Alexander A. T. Johnson [8]
17Pierre Larmande [8]
18Mathias Lorieux [8]
19Augustin Lux [7]
20Jean Benoît Morel [8]
21Pascual Perez [8]
22Christophe Périn [8]
23Manuel Ruiz [8]
24Christophe Sallaud [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)