5. WCRE 1998:
5th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering,
WCRE '98,
October 12-14,
USA. IEEE Computer Society Press,
ISBN 0-8186-8967-6
- Elizabeth Burd, Malcolm Munro:
Assisting Human Understanding to Aid the Targeting of Necessary Reengineering Work.
2-9 BibTeX
- Derek Rayside, Scott Kerr, Kostas Kontogiannis:
Change And Adaptive Maintenance in Java Software Systems.
10-19 BibTeX
- Pierfrancesco Fusaro, Maria Tortorella, Giuseppe Visaggio:
REP - chaRacterising and Exploiting Process component: Results of Experimentation.
20-29 BibTeX
- M. N. Armstrong, C. Trudeau:
Evaluating Architectural Extraction Tools.
30-39 BibTeX
- Tao Lin, Liam O'Brien:
FEPSS: A Flexible and Extensible Program Comprehension Support System.
40-49 BibTeX
- Ramachenga R. Valasareddi, Doris L. Carver:
A Graph-Based Object Identification Process for Procedural Programs.
50-58 BibTeX
- Aniello Cimitile, Ugo de Carlini, Andrea De Lucia:
Incremental Migration Strategies: Data Flow Analysis For Wrapping.
59-68 BibTeX
- Richard Clayton, Spencer Rugaber, Linda M. Wills:
On the Knowledge Required to Understand a Program.
69-78 BibTeX
- Melissa P. Chase, Steven M. Christey, David R. Harris, Alexander S. Yeh:
Managing Recovered Function and Structure of Legacy Software Components.
79-88 BibTeX
- M. P. A. Sellink, Chris Verhoef:
Native Patterns.
89-103 BibTeX
- Ulrike Kölsch:
Object-Oriented Reengineering of Information Systems in a Heterogeneous Distributed Environment.
104-114 BibTeX
- Francoise Balmas:
Outlining C Loops: Preliminary Results and Trends.
115-124 BibTeX
- Gerald C. Gannod, Gora Sudindranath, Mark Fagnani, Betty H. C. Cheng:
PACKRAT: A Software Reengineering Case Study.
125-134 BibTeX
- Bernt Kullbach, Andreas Winter, Peter Dahm, Jürgen Ebert:
Program Comprehension in Multi-Language Systems.
135-143 BibTeX
- Rosangela Penteado, Paulo Cesar Masiero, Antônio Francisco do Prado:
Reengineering of Legacy Systems Based on Transformation Using the Object-Oriented Paradigm.
144-153 BibTeX
- Rick Kazman, Steven S. Woods, S. Jeromy Carrière:
Requirements for Integrating Software Architecture and Reengineering Models: CORUM II.
154-163 BibTeX
- Michael R. Blaha, David LaPlant, Erica Marvak:
Requirements for Repository Software.
164-173 BibTeX
- Homayoun Dayani-Fard, Igor Jurisica:
Reverse Engineering by Mining Dynamic Repositories.
174-182 BibTeX
- Michael R. Blaha:
On Reverse Engineering of Vendor Databases.
183-190 BibTeX
- Theodoros Lantzos, Helen M. Edwards, Anthony Bryant, Neil Willis:
ROMEO: Reverse Engineering from OO Source Code to OMT Design.
191-200 BibTeX
- James H. Cross II, T. Dean Hendrix, Larry A. Barowski, Karl S. Mathias:
Scalable Visualizations to Support Reverse Engineering: A Framework for Evaluation.
201-209 BibTeX
- Richard C. Holt:
Structural Manipulations of Software Architecture using Tarski Relational Algebra.
210-219 BibTeX
- Arie van Deursen, Leon Moonen:
Type Inference for COBOL Systems.
220-230 BibTeX
- Carlos Montes de Oca, Doris L. Carver:
A Visual Representation Model for Software Subsystem Decomposition.
231-240 BibTeX
- Rainer Koschke, Jean-Francois Girard:
An Intermediate Representation for Reverse Engineering Analyses.
241-250 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:47:26 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)