
Melody Moore Jackson

Melody M. Moore

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23EENithya Sambasivan, Melody Moore Jackson: Designing Pervasive Brain-Computer Interfaces. USAB 2007: 267-272
22EEMelody Moore Jackson: Pervasive Direct Brain Interfaces. IEEE Pervasive Computing 5(4): 15-17 (2006)
21 Melody M. Moore, Veda C. Storey, Adriane Randolph: User Profiles for Facilitating Conversations with Locked-In Users. ICIS 2005
20EEMelody M. Moore, Umang Dua: A galvanic skin response interface for people with severe motor disabilities. ASSETS 2004: 48-54
19EEOpé Tomori, Melody M. Moore: The neurally controllable internet browser (BrainBrowser). CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 796-797
18EEIdris Hsi, Colin Potts, Melody M. Moore: Ontological Excavation: Unearthing the core concepts of the application. WCRE 2003: 345-352
17EEMelody M. Moore: A License to Practice Software Engineering. IEEE Software 20(3): 112-113 (2003)
16EEJennifer Mankoff, Anind K. Dey, Udit Batra, Melody M. Moore: Web accessibility for low bandwidth input. ASSETS 2002: 17-24
15EEKaren Carroll, Cynthia Schlag, Omur Kirikci, Melody M. Moore: Communication by neural control. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 590-591
14EEMelody M. Moore: Reverse Engineering and Reengineering: After Y2K. IEEE Software 19(2): 109 (2002)
13EEMelody M. Moore: From Your Technical Council - TCSE: Incubator of Software Engineering Programs. IEEE Software 18(1): (2001)
12EEMelody M. Moore: From Your Technical Council - Focus on Software Reliability Engineering. IEEE Software 18(3): (2001)
11EEMelody M. Moore: Software Reuse: Silver Bullet? IEEE Software 18(5): 86 (2001)
10EEMelody M. Moore, Philip R. Kennedy: Human factors issues in the neural signals direct brain-computer interfaces. ASSETS 2000: 114-120
9EEMelody M. Moore, Lilia V. Moshkina: Migrating Legacy User Interfaces to the Internet: Shifting Dialogue Initiative. WCRE 2000: 52-58
8EEGregory D. Abowd, Ashok K. Goel, Dean F. Jerding, W. Michael McCracken, Melody M. Moore, J. William Murdock, Colin Potts, Spencer Rugaber, Linda M. Wills: MORALE. Mission ORiented Architectural Legacy Evolution. ICSM 1997: 150-159
7EEMelody M. Moore, Spencer Rugaber: Domain Analysis for Transformational Reuse. WCRE 1997: 156-163
6EEMelody M. Moore, Spencer Rugaber: Using Knowledge Representation to Understand Interactive Systems. WPC 1997: 60-
5EEMelody M. Moore: Rule-Based Detection for Reverse Engineering User Interfaces. WCRE 1996: 42-
4 Melody M. Moore: Representation Issues for Reengineering Interactive Systems. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 199 (1996)
3 Melody M. Moore, Terence J. Brennan: Process Improvement in the Classroom. CSEE 1995: 123-130
2 Melody M. Moore, Colin Potts: Learning by Doing: Goals & Experience of Two Software Engineering Project Courses. CSEE 1994: 151-164
1 Melody M. Moore, Spencer Rugaber, Phil Seaver: Knowledge-Based User Interface Migration. ICSM 1994: 72-79

Coauthor Index

1Gregory D. Abowd [8]
2Udit Batra [16]
3Terence J. Brennan [3]
4Karen Carroll [15]
5Anind K. Dey [16]
6Umang Dua [20]
7Ashok K. Goel [8]
8Idris Hsi [18]
9Dean F. Jerding [8]
10Philip R. Kennedy [10]
11Omur Kirikci [15]
12Jennifer Mankoff [16]
13W. Michael McCracken [8]
14Lilia V. Moshkina [9]
15J. William Murdock [8]
16Colin Potts [2] [8] [18]
17Adriane Randolph [21]
18Spencer Rugaber [1] [6] [7] [8]
19Nithya Sambasivan [23]
20Cynthia Schlag [15]
21Phil Seaver [1]
22Veda C. Storey [21]
23Opé Tomori [19]
24Linda M. Wills [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)