
Rudolf Munz

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12EERudolf Munz: Datenmanagement für SAP Anwendungen. BTW 2007: 17
11 Rudolf Munz: Objektorientierte Erweiterungen im ENTIRE SQL-DB Server. Datenbank Rundbrief 10: 41-42 (1992)
10 Rudolf Munz: Verteilung im SQL-DBMS REFLEX. GI Jahrestagung (2) 1988: 684-694
9EERudolf Munz: The Distributed Database System VDN. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 5(4): 33-36 (1982)
8 Rudolf Munz: Realization, Synchronization and Restart of Update Transactions in a Distributed database System. DDB 1980: 173-182
7 Rudolf Munz: Transaction Management in the Distributed Database System VDN. IFIP Congress 1980: 481-486
6EEGeorges Gardarin, Nathan Goodman, Bruce G. Lindsay, Rudolf Munz, James B. Rothnie Jr.: Distributed Database Systems. VLDB 1980: 201-202
5EERudolf Munz: Design of the WELL System. ER 1979: 505-522
4EERudolf Munz, H.-J. Schneider, Frank Steyer: Application of Sub-Predicate Tests in Database Systems. VLDB 1979: 426-435
3 Rudolf Munz: System architectures for managing distributed databases. Datenbanken in Rechnernetzen mit Kleinrechnern 1978: 23-32
2 Rudolf Munz: The WELL system: a multi-user database system based on binary relationships and graph-pattern-matching. Inf. Syst. 3(2): 99-115 (1978)
1EERudolf Munz, G. Krenz: Concurrency in Database Systems - A Simulation Study. SIGMOD Conference 1977: 111-120

Coauthor Index

1Georges Gardarin [6]
2Nathan Goodman [6]
3G. Krenz [1]
4Bruce G. Lindsay [6]
5James B. Rothnie Jr. [6]
6H.-J. Schneider [4]
7Frank Steyer [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)