
Kristian Rother

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7EEStefan Günther, Dorothea Hempel, Mathias Dunkel, Kristian Rother, Robert Preissner: SuperHapten: a comprehensive database for small immunogenic compounds. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 906-910 (2007)
6EEKristian Rother, Mathias Dunkel, Elke Michalsky, Silke Trißl, Andrean Goede, Ulf Leser, Robert Preissner: A structural keystone for drug design. J. Integrative Bioinformatics 3(1): (2006)
5EESilke Trißl, Kristian Rother, Heiko Müller, Thomas Steinke, Ina Koch, Robert Preissner, Cornelius Frömmel, Ulf Leser: Columba: an integrated database of proteins, structures, and annotations. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 81 (2005)
4EEKristian Rother, Heiko Müller, Silke Trißl, Ina Koch, Thomas Steinke, Robert Preissner, Cornelius Frömmel, Ulf Leser: Columba: Multidimensional Data Integration of Protein Annotations. DILS 2004: 156-171
3 Kristian Rother, Robert Preissner, Andrean Goede, Cornelius Frömmel: Inhomogeneous molecular density: reference packing densities and distribution of cavities within proteins. Bioinformatics 19(16): 2112-2121 (2003)
2EERobert Preissner, Andrean Goede, Kristian Rother, F. Osterkamp, U. Koert, Cornelius Frömmel: Matching organic libraries with protein-substructures. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 15(9): 811-817 (2001)
1 Christoph Gille, Andrean Goede, Kristian Rother, Robert Preissner, Cornelius Frömmel: Interfaces of Secondary Structural Elements in Proteins - Evolution of Atomic Substructures -. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1999: 196

Coauthor Index

1Mathias Dunkel [6] [7]
2Cornelius Frömmel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Christoph Gille [1]
4Andrean Goede [1] [2] [3] [6]
5Stefan Günther [7]
6Dorothea Hempel [7]
7Ina Koch [4] [5]
8U. Koert [2]
9Ulf Leser [4] [5] [6]
10Elke Michalsky [6]
11Heiko Müller [4] [5]
12F. Osterkamp [2]
13Robert Preissner [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
14Thomas Steinke [4] [5]
15Silke Trißl [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)