
Mathias Dunkel

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6EEStefan Günther, Michael Kuhn, Mathias Dunkel, Monica Campillos, Christian Senger, Evangelia Petsalaki, Jessica Ahmed, Eduardo Garcia Urdiales, Andreas Gewiess, Lars Juhl Jensen, Reinhard Schneider, Roman Skoblo, Robert B. Russell, Philip E. Bourne, Peer Bork, Robert Preissner: SuperTarget and Matador: resources for exploring drug-target relationships. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 919-922 (2008)
5EEStefan Günther, Dorothea Hempel, Mathias Dunkel, Kristian Rother, Robert Preissner: SuperHapten: a comprehensive database for small immunogenic compounds. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 906-910 (2007)
4EEKristian Rother, Mathias Dunkel, Elke Michalsky, Silke Trißl, Andrean Goede, Ulf Leser, Robert Preissner: A structural keystone for drug design. J. Integrative Bioinformatics 3(1): (2006)
3EEMathias Dunkel, Melanie Fullbeck, Stefanie Neumann, Robert Preissner: SuperNatural: a searchable database of available natural compounds. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 678-683 (2006)
2EEElke Michalsky, Mathias Dunkel, Andrean Goede, Robert Preissner: SuperLigands - a database of ligand structures derived from the Protein Data Bank. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 122 (2005)
1EEAndrean Goede, Mathias Dunkel, Nina Mester, Cornelius Frömmel, Robert Preissner: SuperDrug: a conformational drug database. Bioinformatics 21(9): 1751-1753 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Jessica Ahmed [6]
2Peer Bork [6]
3Philip E. Bourne [6]
4Monica Campillos [6]
5Cornelius Frömmel [1]
6Melanie Fullbeck [3]
7Andreas Gewiess [6]
8Andrean Goede [1] [2] [4]
9Stefan Günther [5] [6]
10Dorothea Hempel [5]
11Lars Juhl Jensen [6]
12Michael Kuhn [6]
13Ulf Leser [4]
14Nina Mester [1]
15Elke Michalsky [2] [4]
16Stefanie Neumann [3]
17Evangelia Petsalaki [6]
18Robert Preissner [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
19Kristian Rother [4] [5]
20Robert B. Russell [6]
21Reinhard Schneider [6]
22Christian Senger [6]
23Roman Skoblo [6]
24Silke Trißl [4]
25Eduardo Garcia Urdiales [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)