
Jean-Louis Roch

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31EEDaouda Traoré, Jean-Louis Roch, Nicolas Maillard, Thierry Gautier, Julien Bernard: Deque-Free Work-Optimal Parallel STL Algorithms. Euro-Par 2008: 887-897
30EESébastien Varrette, Jean-Louis Roch, Guillaume Duc, Ronan Keryell: Building Secure Resources to Ensure Safe Computations in Distributed and Potentially Corrupted Environments. Euro-Par Workshops 2008: 211-222
29EEThomas Roche, Roland Gillard, Jean-Louis Roch: Provable Security against Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis Application to CS-Cipher. MCO 2008: 597-606
28EEJulien Bernard, Jean-Louis Roch, Daouda Traoré: Processor-Oblivious Parallel Stream Computations. PDP 2008: 72-76
27EEThierry Gautier, Jean-Louis Roch, Frédéric Wagner: Fine Grain Distributed Implementation of a Dataflow Language with Provable Performances. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2007: 593-600
26EEVincent Danjean, Roland Gillard, Serge Guelton, Jean-Louis Roch, Thomas Roche: Adaptive loops with kaapi on multicore and grid: applications in symmetric cryptography. PASCO 2007: 33-42
25EEJean-Louis Roch, Sébastien Varrette: Probabilistic certification of divide & conquer algorithms on global computing platforms: application to fault-tolerant exact matrix-vector product. PASCO 2007: 88-92
24EELuciano P. Soares, Clément Ménier, Bruno Raffin, Jean-Louis Roch: Parallel Adaptive Octree Carving for Real-time 3D Modeling. VR 2007: 273-274
23EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet, Jean-Louis Roch: Adaptive Triangular System Solving. Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software 2006
22EEJean-Louis Roch, Daouda Traoré, Julien Bernard: On-Line Adaptive Parallel Prefix Computation. Euro-Par 2006: 841-850
21EEChristophe Cérin, Jean-Christophe Dubacq, Jean-Louis Roch: Methods for Partitioning Data to Improve Parallel Execution Time for Sorting on Heterogeneous Clusters. GPC 2006: 175-186
20EEJulien Bernard, Jean-Louis Roch, Serge De Paoli, Miguel Santana: Adaptive Encoding of Multimedia Streams on MPSoC. International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2006: 999-1006
19EEChristophe Cérin, Jean-Christophe Dubacq, Jean-Louis Roch: Methods for Partitioning Data to Improve Parallel Execution Time for Sorting on Heterogeneous Clusters CoRR abs/cs/0607041: (2006)
18EEAxel W. Krings, Jean-Louis Roch, Samir Jafar, Sébastien Varrette: A Probabilistic Approach for Task and Result Certification of Large-Scale Distributed Applications in Hostile Environments. EGC 2005: 323-333
17EESamir Jafar, Thierry Gautier, Axel W. Krings, Jean-Louis Roch: A Checkpoint/Recovery Model for Heterogeneous Dataflow Computations Using Work-Stealing. Euro-Par 2005: 675-684
16EESébastien Varrette, Sebastien Georget, Johan Montagnat, Jean-Louis Roch, Franck Leprévost: Distributed Authentication in GRID5000. OTM Workshops 2005: 314-326
15EEEl Mostafa Daoudi, Thierry Gautier, Aicha Kerfali, Rémi Revire, Jean-Louis Roch: Algorithmes parallèles à grain adaptatif et applications. Technique et Science Informatiques 24(5): 505-524 (2005)
14EESamir Jafar, Sébastien Varrette, Jean-Louis Roch: Using Data-Flow Analysis for Resilience and Result Checking in Peer-To-Peer Computations. DEXA Workshops 2004: 512-516
13EESébastien Varrette, Jean-Louis Roch, Franck Leprévost: FlowCert : Probabilistic Certification for Peer-to-Peer Computations. SBAC-PAD 2004: 108-115
12 Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Jean-Louis Roch: On parallel block algorithms for exact triangularizations. Parallel Computing 28(11): 1531-1548 (2002)
11EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Jean-Louis Roch: A parallel block algorithm for exact triangularization of rectangular matrices. SPAA 2001: 324-325
10EEGerson G. H. Cavalheiro, Yves Denneulin, Jean-Louis Roch: A General Modular Specification for Distributed Schedulers. Euro-Par 1998: 373-376
9EEFrançois Galilée, Jean-Louis Roch, Gerson G. H. Cavalheiro, Mathias Doreille: Athapascan-1: On-Line Building Data Flow Graph in a Parallel Language. IEEE PACT 1998: 88-95
8EENathalie Revol, Jean-Louis Roch: Parallel Evaluation of Arithmetic Circuits. Theor. Comput. Sci. 162(1): 133-150 (1996)
7 Thierry Gautier, Jean-Louis Roch, Gilles Villard: Regular versus Irregular Problems and Algorithms. IRREGULAR 1995: 1-25
6 Jean-Louis Roch, A. Vermeerbergen, Gilles Villard: A New Load-Prediction Scheme Based on Algorithmic Cost Functions. CONPAR 1994: 878-889
5 Jean-Louis Roch, Gilles Villard: Parallel Computations with Algebraic Numbers - A Case Study: Jordan Normal Form of Matrices. PARLE 1994: 701-712
4 Jean-Louis Roch, A. Vermeerbergen, Gilles Villard: Cost Prediction for Load Balancing: Application to Algebraic Computations. CONPAR 1992: 467-478
3 Jean-Louis Roch, Gilles Villard: Parallel gcd and Lattice Basis Reduction. CONPAR 1992: 557-564
2 Jean-Louis Roch: An Environment for Parallel Algebraic Computation. CAP 1990: 33-50
1 Jean-Louis Roch, Pascale Sénéchaud, Françoise Roch-Siebert, Gilles Villard: Computer Algebra on MIMD Machine. ISSAC 1988: 423-439

Coauthor Index

1Julien Bernard [20] [22] [28] [31]
2Gerson G. H. Cavalheiro (Gerson Geraldo Homrich Cavalheiro) [9] [10]
3Christophe Cérin [19] [21]
4Vincent Danjean [26]
5El Mostafa Daoudi [15]
6Yves Denneulin [10]
7Mathias Doreille [9]
8Jean-Christophe Dubacq [19] [21]
9Guillaume Duc [30]
10Jean-Guillaume Dumas [11] [12] [23]
11François Galilée [9]
12Thierry Gautier [7] [15] [17] [27] [31]
13Sebastien Georget [16]
14Roland Gillard [26] [29]
15Serge Guelton [26]
16Samir Jafar [14] [17] [18]
17Aicha Kerfali [15]
18Ronan Keryell [30]
19Axel W. Krings [17] [18]
20Franck Leprévost [13] [16]
21Nicolas Maillard [31]
22Clément Ménier [24]
23Johan Montagnat [16]
24Serge De Paoli [20]
25Clément Pernet [23]
26Bruno Raffin [24]
27Rémi Revire [15]
28Nathalie Revol [8]
29Françoise Roch-Siebert [1]
30Thomas Roche [26] [29]
31Miguel Santana [20]
32Pascale Sénéchaud [1]
33Luciano P. Soares [24]
34Daouda Traoré [22] [28] [31]
35Sébastien Varrette [13] [14] [16] [18] [25] [30]
36A. Vermeerbergen [4] [6]
37Gilles Villard [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
38Frédéric Wagner [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)