
Jean-Guillaume Dumas

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34EEAlexandre Berzati, Cécile Canovas, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Louis Goubin: Fault Attacks on RSA Public Keys: Left-To-Right Implementations Are Also Vulnerable. CT-RSA 2009: 414-428
33EEAlexandre Berzati, Cécile Canovas, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Louis Goubin: Fault Attacks on RSA Public Keys: Left-To-Right Implementations are also Vulnerable CoRR abs/0901.0911: (2009)
32EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet, B. David Saunders: On finding multiplicities of characteristic polynomial factors of black-box matrices CoRR abs/0901.4747: (2009)
31EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud: Cartesian effect categories are Freyd-categories CoRR abs/0903.3311: (2009)
30EEJean-Guillaume Dumas: Q-adic transform revisited. ISSAC 2008: 63-70
29EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Pascal Giorgi, Clément Pernet: Dense Linear Algebra over Word-Size Prime Fields: the FFLAS and FFPACK Packages. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 35(3): (2008)
28EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, Bruno Salvy: Compressed Modular Matrix Multiplication CoRR abs/0803.1975: (2008)
27EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, Bruno Salvy: Simultaneous Modular Reduction and Kronecker Substitution for Small Finite Fields CoRR abs/0809.0063: (2008)
26EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Pascal Giorgi, Anna Urbanska: Parallel computation of the rank of large sparse matrices from algebraic K-theory. PASCO 2007: 43-52
25EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Pascal Giorgi, Anna Urbanska: Parallel computation of the rank of large sparse matrices from algebraic K-theory CoRR abs/0704.2351: (2007)
24EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud: Sequential products in effect categories CoRR abs/0707.1432: (2007)
23EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet, Wei Zhou: Memory efficient scheduling of Strassen-Winograd's matrix multiplication algorithm CoRR abs/0707.2347: (2007)
22EEJean-Guillaume Dumas: Q-adic Transform revisited CoRR abs/0710.0510: (2007)
21EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet, Jean-Louis Roch: Adaptive Triangular System Solving. Challenges in Symbolic Computation Software 2006
20 Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval: Vers une modélisation diagrammatique de la bibliothèque C++ d'algèbre linéaire LinBox. LMO 2006: 117-134
19EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Thierry Gautier, Pascal Giorgi, Clément Pernet: Dense Linear Algebra over Finite Fields: the FFLAS and FFPACK packages CoRR abs/cs/0601133: (2006)
18EEJean-Guillaume Dumas: Bounds on the coefficients of the characteristic and minimal polynomials CoRR abs/cs/0610136: (2006)
17EEJacques Dubrois, Jean-Guillaume Dumas: Efficient polynomial time algorithms computing industrial-strength primitive roots. Inf. Process. Lett. 97(2): 41-45 (2006)
16EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet, Zhendong Wan: Efficient computation of the characteristic polynomial. ISSAC 2005: 140-147
15EEAude Rondepierre, Jean-Guillaume Dumas: Algorithms for symbolic/numeric control of affine dynamical systems. ISSAC 2005: 277-284
14EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet, Zhendong Wan: Efficient Computation of the Characteristic Polynomial CoRR abs/cs/0501074: (2005)
13EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval: Towards a diagrammatic modeling of the LinBox C++ linear algebra library CoRR abs/cs/0510057: (2005)
12EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Anna Urbanska: An introspective algorithm for the integer determinant CoRR abs/cs/0511066: (2005)
11EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Aude Rondepierre: Algorithms for Hybrid Optimal Control CoRR abs/math/0502172: (2005)
10EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Pascal Giorgi, Clément Pernet: FFPACK: finite field linear algebra package. ISSAC 2004: 119-126
9EEJean-Guillaume Dumas: Efficient dot product over word-size finite fields CoRR cs.SC/0404008: (2004)
8EEJacques Dubrois, Jean-Guillaume Dumas: Efficient polynomial time algorithms computing industrial-strength primitive roots CoRR cs.SC/0409029: (2004)
7 Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Frank Heckenbach, B. David Saunders, Volkmar Welker: Computing Simplicial Homology Based on Efficient Smith Normal Form Algorithms. Algebra, Geometry, and Software Systems 2003: 177-206
6EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Aude Rondepierre: Modeling the Electrical Activity of a Neuron by a Continuous and Piecewise Affine Hybrid System. HSCC 2003: 156-171
5EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Thierry Gautier, Clément Pernet: Finite field linear algebra subroutines. ISSAC 2002: 63-74
4 Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Jean-Louis Roch: On parallel block algorithms for exact triangularizations. Parallel Computing 28(11): 1531-1548 (2002)
3EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, Jean-Louis Roch: A parallel block algorithm for exact triangularization of rectangular matrices. SPAA 2001: 324-325
2 Jean-Guillaume Dumas, B. David Saunders, Gilles Villard: On Efficient Sparse Integer Matrix Smith Normal Form Computations. J. Symb. Comput. 32(1/2): 71-99 (2001)
1EEJean-Guillaume Dumas, B. David Saunders, Gilles Villard: Integer Smith form via the valence: experience with large sparse matrices from homology. ISSAC 2000: 95-105

Coauthor Index

1Alexandre Berzati [33] [34]
2Cécile Canovas [33] [34]
3Jacques Dubrois [8] [17]
4Dominique Duval [13] [20] [24] [31]
5Philippe Elbaz-Vincent [25] [26]
6Laurent Fousse [27] [28]
7Thierry Gautier [5] [19]
8Pascal Giorgi [10] [19] [25] [26] [29]
9Louis Goubin [33] [34]
10Frank Heckenbach [7]
11Clément Pernet [5] [10] [14] [16] [19] [21] [23] [29] [32]
12Jean-Claude Reynaud [24] [31]
13Jean-Louis Roch [3] [4] [21]
14Aude Rondepierre [6] [11] [15]
15Bruno Salvy [27] [28]
16B. David Saunders [1] [2] [7] [32]
17Anna Urbanska [12] [25] [26]
18Gilles Villard [1] [2]
19Zhendong Wan [14] [16]
20Volkmar Welker [7]
21Wei Zhou [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)