
A. Robinson

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5EEA. Robinson, Jim D. Garside: Sensitive registers: a technique for reducing the fetch bandwidth in low-power microprocessors. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 138-143
4EEAmir Ayali, E. Fuchs, Y. Zilberstein, A. Robinson, Orit Shefi, Eyal Hulata, Itay Baruchi, Eshel Ben-Jacob: Contextual regularity and complexity of neuronal activity: From stand-alone cultures to task-performing animals. Complexity 9(6): 25-32 (2004)
3 I. J. Palmer, N. Chilton, P. Ingham, A. Robinson, C. M. Reeve: The Creation of an Interactive Virtual Theatre: The Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Digital Content Creation 2001: 184-201
2 P. Hainaut, T. Hernandez, A. Robinson, Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé, Tomas P. Flores, M. Hollstein, C. C. Harris, R. Montesano: IARC Database of p53 gene mutations in human tumors and cell lines: updated compilation, revised formats and new visualisation tools. Nucleic Acids Research 26(1): 205-213 (1998)
1EEK. Lunn, I. G. Archibald, J. J. Redfearn, A. Robinson, A. Bamigboye, M. D. Cope, B. T. Hird: An expert system for formulating lubricating oils. AI in Engineering 6(2): 74-85 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1I. G. Archibald [1]
2Amir Ayali [4]
3A. Bamigboye [1]
4Itay Baruchi [4]
5Eshel Ben-Jacob [4]
6N. Chilton [3]
7M. D. Cope [1]
8Tomas P. Flores [2]
9E. Fuchs [4]
10Jim D. Garside [5]
11P. Hainaut [2]
12C. C. Harris [2]
13T. Hernandez [2]
14B. T. Hird [1]
15M. Hollstein [2]
16Eyal Hulata [4]
17P. Ingham [3]
18K. Lunn [1]
19R. Montesano [2]
20I. J. Palmer [3]
21J. J. Redfearn [1]
22C. M. Reeve [3]
23Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé [2]
24Orit Shefi [4]
25Y. Zilberstein [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)