
Eshel Ben-Jacob

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13EELiel Rubinsky, Nadav Raichman, Jacob Lavee, Hanan Frenk, Eshel Ben-Jacob: Spatio-temporal motifs 'remembered' in neuronal networks following profound hypothermia. Neural Networks 21(9): 1232-1237 (2008)
12EEVladislav Volman, Eshel Ben-Jacob, Herbert Levine: The Astrocyte as a Gatekeeper of Synaptic Information Transfer. Neural Computation 19(2): 303-326 (2007)
11EENadav Raichman, Vladislav Volman, Eshel Ben-Jacob: Collective plasticity and individual stability in cultured neuronal networks. Neurocomputing 69(10-12): 1150-1154 (2006)
10EEItay Baruchi, Vernon L. Towle, Eshel Ben-Jacob: Functional holography of complex networks activity - From cultures to the human brain. Complexity 10(3): 38-51 (2005)
9EEEyal Hulata, Vladislav Volman, Eshel Ben-Jacob: Self-regulated Complexity in Neural Networks. Natural Computing 4(4): 363-386 (2005)
8EEAmir Ayali, E. Fuchs, Y. Zilberstein, A. Robinson, Orit Shefi, Eyal Hulata, Itay Baruchi, Eshel Ben-Jacob: Contextual regularity and complexity of neuronal activity: From stand-alone cultures to task-performing animals. Complexity 9(6): 25-32 (2004)
7EEErez Persi, David Horn, Vladislav Volman, Ronen Segev, Eshel Ben-Jacob: Modeling of Synchronized Bursting Events: The Importance of Inhomogeneity. Neural Computation 16(12): 2577-2595 (2004)
6EEErez Persi, David Horn, Ronen Segev, Eshel Ben-Jacob, Vladislav Volman: Neural modeling of synchronized bursting events. Neurocomputing 58-60: 179-184 (2004)
5EEOrit Shefi, Amir Harel, Dmitri B. Chklovskii, Eshel Ben-Jacob, Amir Ayali: Biophysical constraints on neuronal branching. Neurocomputing 58-60: 487-495 (2004)
4EEOrit Shefi, Eshel Ben-Jacob, Amir Ayali: Growth morphology of two-dimensional insect neural networks. Neurocomputing 44-46: 635-643 (2002)
3EERonen Segev, Eshel Ben-Jacob: Chemical waves and internal energy during cooperative self-wiring of neural nets. Neurocomputing 38-40: 875-879 (2001)
2EERonen Segev, Eshel Ben-Jacob: Generic modeling of chemotactic based self-wiring of neural networks. Neural Networks 13(2): 185-199 (2000)
1 Eshel Ben-Jacob, Ofer Shochet, Inon Cohen, Adam Tenenbaum, András Czirók, Tamás Vicsek: Fractual Patters formed during Diffusion controlled Growth of Bacterial Colonies. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1996: 168-170

Coauthor Index

1Amir Ayali [4] [5] [8]
2Itay Baruchi [8] [10]
3Dmitri B. Chklovskii [5]
4Inon Cohen [1]
5András Czirók [1]
6Hanan Frenk [13]
7E. Fuchs [8]
8Amir Harel [5]
9David Horn [6] [7]
10Eyal Hulata [8] [9]
11Jacob Lavee [13]
12Herbert Levine [12]
13Erez Persi [6] [7]
14Nadav Raichman [11] [13]
15A. Robinson [8]
16Liel Rubinsky [13]
17Ronen Segev [2] [3] [6] [7]
18Orit Shefi [4] [5] [8]
19Ofer Shochet [1]
20Adam Tenenbaum [1]
21Vernon L. Towle [10]
22Tamás Vicsek [1]
23Vladislav Volman [6] [7] [9] [11] [12]
24Y. Zilberstein [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)