
Warren Robinett

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10EEWarren Robinett, Gregory S. Snider, Philip Kuekes, R. Stanley Williams: Computing with a trillion crummy components. Commun. ACM 50(9): 35-39 (2007)
9EERandy F. Pausch, Walter A. Aviles, Nathaniel I. Durlach, Warren Robinett, Michael Zyda: A national research agenda for virtual reality: report by the National Research Council Committee on VR R&D (panel). SIGGRAPH 1995: 477-478
8 Warren Robinett, Richard Holloway: The Visual Display Transformation for Virtual Reality. Presence 4(1): 1-23 (1995)
7EERandy Pausch, Andries van Dam, Warren Robinett: Implementing virtual reality. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 399-400
6EERussell M. Taylor II, Warren Robinett, Vernon L. Chi, Frederick P. Brooks Jr., William V. Wright, R. Stanley Williams, Erik J. Snyder: The nanomanipulator: a virtual-reality interface for a scanning tunneling microscope. SIGGRAPH 1993: 127-134
5 Douglas E. Holmgren, Warren Robinett: Scanned Laser Displays for Virtual Reality: A Feasibility Study. Presence 2(3): 171-184 (1993)
4EEWarren Robinett, Richard Holloway: Implementation of Flying, Scaling and Grabbing in Virtual Worlds. SI3D 1992: 189-192
3 Warren Robinett, Jannick P. Rolland: A Computational Model for the Stereoscopic Optics of a Head-Mounted Display. Presence 1(1): 45-62 (1992)
2 Warren Robinett, Michael Naimark: Review: Artists Explore Virtual Reality: The Bioapparatus Residency at the Banff Centre for the Arts. Presence 1(2): 248-250 (1992)
1EEBob Jacobson, John Perry Barlow, Esther Dyson, Timothy Leary, William Bricken, Warren Robinett, Jaron Lanier: Hip, hype and hope - the three faces of virtual worlds (panel session). SIGGRAPH (Panels) 1990: 1001-1029

Coauthor Index

1Walter A. Aviles [9]
2John Perry Barlow [1]
3William Bricken [1]
4Frederick P. Brooks Jr. [6]
5Vernon L. Chi [6]
6Andries van Dam [7]
7Nathaniel I. Durlach [9]
8Esther Dyson [1]
9Richard Holloway [4] [8]
10Douglas E. Holmgren [5]
11Bob Jacobson [1]
12Philip Kuekes [10]
13Jaron Lanier [1]
14Timothy Leary [1]
15Michael Naimark [2]
16Randy F. Pausch (Randy Pausch) [7] [9]
17Jannick P. Rolland [3]
18Gregory S. Snider [10]
19Erik J. Snyder [6]
20Russell M. Taylor II [6]
21R. Stanley Williams [6] [10]
22William V. Wright [6]
23Michael Zyda [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)