
William Bricken

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9EEWilliam Bricken: The Mathematics of Boundaries: A Beginning. Diagrams 2006: 70-72
8EEWilliam Bricken: Syntactic Variety in Boundary Logic. Diagrams 2006: 73-87
7 William Bricken: Inclusive Symbolic Environments. IFIP Congress (3) 1994: 163-170
6EEAlan R. Mitchell, Stuart Rosen, William Bricken, Ron Martinez, Brenda Laurel: Determinants of immersivity in virtual reality: graphics vs. action. SIGGRAPH 1994: 496
5 William Bricken, Geoffrey Coco: The VEOS Project. Presence 3(2): 111-129 (1994)
4 Jeffrey James, William Bricken: A Boundary Notation for Visual Mathematics. VL 1992: 267-269
3 William Bricken: Spatial Representation of Elementary Algebra. VL 1992: 56-62
2 William Bricken: Book Reviews of 'Virtual Reality' and 'Tomorrow's Realities at SIGGRAPH '91. Presence 1(1): 153-156 (1992)
1EEBob Jacobson, John Perry Barlow, Esther Dyson, Timothy Leary, William Bricken, Warren Robinett, Jaron Lanier: Hip, hype and hope - the three faces of virtual worlds (panel session). SIGGRAPH (Panels) 1990: 1001-1029

Coauthor Index

1John Perry Barlow [1]
2Geoffrey Coco [5]
3Esther Dyson [1]
4Bob Jacobson [1]
5Jeffrey James [4]
6Jaron Lanier [1]
7Brenda Laurel [6]
8Timothy Leary [1]
9Ron Martinez [6]
10Alan R. Mitchell [6]
11Warren Robinett [1]
12Stuart Rosen [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)