
Jaques Reifman

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11EELiangyou Chen, Thomas M. McKenna, Andrew T. Reisner, Andrei V. Gribok, Jaques Reifman: Decision tool for the early diagnosis of trauma patient hypovolemia. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 41(3): 469-478 (2008)
10EEWaibhav Tembe, Nela Zavaljevski, Elizabeth A. Bode, Catherine Chase, Jeanne Geyer, Leonard P. Wasieloski, Gary Benson, Jaques Reifman: Oligonucleotide fingerprint identification for microarray-based pathogen diagnostic assays. Bioinformatics 23(1): 5-13 (2007)
9EEThomas M. McKenna, Gagandeep Bawa, Kamal Kumar, Jaques Reifman: The physiology analysis system: An integrated approach for warehousing, management and analysis of time-series physiology data. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 86(1): 62-72 (2007)
8EEChenggang Yu, Nela Zavaljevski, Fred J. Stevens, Kelly Yackovich, Jaques Reifman: Classifying noisy protein sequence data: a case study of immunoglobulin light chains. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2005: 495-501
7EESorin Draghici, Purvesh Khatri, Yanhong Liu, Kitty J. Chase, Elizabeth A. Bode, David A. Kulesh, Leonard P. Wasieloski, David A. Norwood, Jaques Reifman: Identification of Genomic Signatures for the Design of Assays for the Detection and Monitoring of Anthrax Threats. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2005
6EEDechang Chen, Dong Hua, Jaques Reifman, Xiuzhen Cheng: Gene Selection for Multi-Class Prediction of Microarray Data. CSB 2003: 492-495
5 Nela Zavaljevski, Fred J. Stevens, Jaques Reifman: Support vector machines with selective kernel scaling for protein classification and identification of key amino acid positions. Bioinformatics 18(5): 689-696 (2002)
4EEJaques Reifman, Earl E. Feldman: Multilayer perceptron for nonlinear programming. Computers & OR 29(9): 1237-1250 (2002)
3EEXin Wang, Thomas Y. C. Wei, Jaques Reifman, Lefteri H. Tsoukalas: Signal Trend Identification with Fuzzy Methods. ICTAI 1999: 332-
2EEJavier E. Vitela, Jaques Reifman: Premature Saturation in Backpropagation Networks: Mechanism and Necessary Conditions. Neural Networks 10(4): 721-735 (1997)
1 Jaques Reifman, Thomas Y. C. Wei: Systematic Construction of Qualitative Physics-Based Rules for Process Diagnostics. EPIA 1995: 311-322

Coauthor Index

1Gagandeep Bawa [9]
2Gary Benson [10]
3Elizabeth A. Bode [7] [10]
4Catherine Chase [10]
5Kitty J. Chase [7]
6Dechang Chen [6]
7Liangyou Chen [11]
8Xiuzhen Cheng [6]
9Sorin Draghici [7]
10Earl E. Feldman [4]
11Jeanne Geyer [10]
12Andrei V. Gribok [11]
13Dong Hua [6]
14Purvesh Khatri [7]
15David A. Kulesh [7]
16Kamal Kumar [9]
17Yanhong Liu [7]
18Thomas M. McKenna [9] [11]
19David A. Norwood [7]
20Andrew T. Reisner [11]
21Fred J. Stevens [5] [8]
22Waibhav Tembe [10]
23Lefteri H. Tsoukalas [3]
24Javier E. Vitela [2]
25Xin Wang [3]
26Leonard P. Wasieloski [7] [10]
27Thomas Y. C. Wei [1] [3]
28Kelly Yackovich [8]
29Chenggang Yu [8]
30Nela Zavaljevski [5] [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)