
Nela Zavaljevski

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3EEWaibhav Tembe, Nela Zavaljevski, Elizabeth A. Bode, Catherine Chase, Jeanne Geyer, Leonard P. Wasieloski, Gary Benson, Jaques Reifman: Oligonucleotide fingerprint identification for microarray-based pathogen diagnostic assays. Bioinformatics 23(1): 5-13 (2007)
2EEChenggang Yu, Nela Zavaljevski, Fred J. Stevens, Kelly Yackovich, Jaques Reifman: Classifying noisy protein sequence data: a case study of immunoglobulin light chains. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2005: 495-501
1 Nela Zavaljevski, Fred J. Stevens, Jaques Reifman: Support vector machines with selective kernel scaling for protein classification and identification of key amino acid positions. Bioinformatics 18(5): 689-696 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Gary Benson [3]
2Elizabeth A. Bode [3]
3Catherine Chase [3]
4Jeanne Geyer [3]
5Jaques Reifman [1] [2] [3]
6Fred J. Stevens [1] [2]
7Waibhav Tembe [3]
8Leonard P. Wasieloski [3]
9Kelly Yackovich [2]
10Chenggang Yu [2]

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