
Danijel Rebolj

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9EEDanijel Rebolj: Postgraduate Distance E-Learning Programme on IT in Construction. Innovative Techniques in Instruction Technology, E-learning, E-assessment, and Education 2008: 98-101
8EEDanijel Rebolj, Nenad Cus-Babic, Ales Magdic, Peter Podbreznik, Mirko Psunder: Automated construction activity monitoring system. Advanced Engineering Informatics 22(4): 493-503 (2008)
7EEKarsten Menzel, Danijel Rebolj, Ziga Turk: How to Teach Computing in AEC. EG-ICE 2006: 476-483
6EEDanijel Rebolj: Civil Engineering Communication - Obstacles and Solutions. EG-ICE 2006: 554-558
5 Karsten Menzel, Danijel Rebolj: European joint program in construction IT - early experiences. ISPE CE 2003: 1199-1205
4 Andrej Tibaut, Danijel Rebolj: Towards virtual product model. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 1(2): (2003)
3EENenad Cus-Babic, Danijel Rebolj, Cveto Gregorc: Enhancement of Decision Support Process in Road Administration Domain with the Use of GIS Technology. IV 1999: 160-165
2EEAndrej Tibaut, Branko Kaucic, Danijel Rebolj: Fast 3D Visualization of Road Product Models. IV 1999: 572-
1 Danijel Rebolj, Peter J. Sturm: A GIS based component-oriented integrated system for estimation, visualization and analysis of road traffic air pollution. Environmental Modelling and Software 46(6): 531-539 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Nenad Cus-Babic [3] [8]
2Cveto Gregorc [3]
3Branko Kaucic [2]
4Ales Magdic [8]
5Karsten Menzel [5] [7]
6Peter Podbreznik [8]
7Mirko Psunder [8]
8Peter J. Sturm [1]
9Andrej Tibaut [2] [4]
10Ziga Turk [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)