
Ziga Turk

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15EEKarsten Menzel, Danijel Rebolj, Ziga Turk: How to Teach Computing in AEC. EG-ICE 2006: 476-483
14EEZiga Turk: Methodologies for Construction Informatics Research. EG-ICE 2006: 663-669
13EEZiga Turk, Matevz Dolenc, Etiel Petrinja: The Role of Collaboration Grids in the Roadmaps of Networked Organizations. ITNG 2006: 652-657
12EEZiga Turk: Construction informatics: Definition and ontology. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(2): 187-199 (2006)
11EEZiga Turk, Matevz Dolenc, Vlado Stankovski, Etiel Petrinja: Semantic Grid - Interoperability Solution for Construction VO? ITCC (2) 2005: 795-796
10EEZiga Turk: Grid Technology for the Collaborative Enterprise. PPAM 2005: 389-398
9EEZiga Turk: Semantic Grid Roadmap. Semantic Grid 2005
8 Ziga Turk, Vlado Stankovski, Matevz Dolenc, Tomo Cerovsek: Semantic Extensions for the Virtual Enterprise's Grid Infastructure. PDPTA 2004: 788-793
7EEBob Martens, Peter Linde, Ziga Turk: A Digital Library for ELPUB Proceedings: The Use of a Web-Based Prototype. ELPUB 2003
6 Ziga Turk, D. Delic: Undergraduate construction informatics curriculum - RFC. ISPE CE 2003: 1185-1191
5 Ziga Turk, Tomo Cerovsek, Raimar J. Scherer: Issues in Integration of Civil Engineering Services and Tools. International Conference on Internet Computing 2003: 219-224
4 Ziga Turk: WODA - A Web Services Generator. International Conference on Internet Computing 2003: 661-664
3EEBo-Christer Björk, Ziga Turk, Bob Martens: Re-Engineering the Scientific Publishing Process for the "Internetworked" Global Academic Community. ELPUB 2002
2 Ziga Turk: Phenomenologial foundations of conceptual product modelling in architecture, engineering and construction. AI in Engineering 15(2): 83-92 (2001)
1 Ziga Turk: On theoretical backgrounds of CAD. AI in Structural Engineering 1998: 490-496

Coauthor Index

1Bo-Christer Björk [3]
2Tomo Cerovsek [5] [8]
3D. Delic [6]
4Matevz Dolenc [8] [11] [13]
5Peter Linde [7]
6Bob Martens [3] [7]
7Karsten Menzel [15]
8Etiel Petrinja [11] [13]
9Danijel Rebolj [15]
10Raimar J. Scherer [5]
11Vlado Stankovski [8] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)