
David Atkinson

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15EEFreddy Odille, Pierre-André Vuissoz, Jacques Felblinger, David Atkinson: Generalized reconstruction by inversion of coupled systems (GRICS) applied to parallel MRI. ISBI 2008: 1019-1022
14EEZeike A. Taylor, Olivier Comas, Mario Cheng, Josh Passenger, David J. Hawkes, David Atkinson, Sébastien Ourselin: Modelling Anisotropic Viscoelasticity for Real-Time Soft Tissue Simulation. MICCAI (1) 2008: 703-710
13EEAndrew Melbourne, David Atkinson, David J. Hawkes: Influence of Organ Motion and Contrast Enhancement on Image Registration. MICCAI (2) 2008: 948-955
12EEJeanne Peijnenburg, David Atkinson: Probabilistic Justification and the Regress Problem. Studia Logica 89(3): 333-341 (2008)
11EEDavid Atkinson: A relativistic Zeno effect. Synthese 160(1): 5-12 (2008)
10EEDavid J. Hawkes, Graeme P. Penney, David Atkinson, Dean C. Barratt, Jane M. Blackall, Timothy J. Carter, William R. Crum, Jamie McClelland, Christine Tanner, Segolene Tarte, Mark White: Motion and Biomechanical Models for Image-Guided Interventions. ISBI 2007: 992-995
9EEDavid Atkinson, Jeanne Peijnenburg: Probability all the Way Up. Synthese 153(2): 187-197 (2006)
8EEDavid Atkinson, David J. Larkman, Philipp G. Batchelor, Derek L. G. Hill, Joseph V. Hajnal: Multiple Coils for Reduction of Flow Artefacts in MR Images. MICCAI (2) 2004: 1097-1098
7 Xujiong Ye, J. Alison Noble, David Atkinson: 3D Freehand Echocardiography for Automatic Left Ventricle Reconstruction and Analysis based on Multiple Acoustic Windows. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(9): 1051-1058 (2002)
6 Kate McLeish, Derek L. G. Hill, David Atkinson, Jane M. Blackall, Reza Razavi: A Study of the Motion and Deformation of the Heart due to Respiration. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(9): 1142-1150 (2002)
5EEPhilipp G. Batchelor, Derek L. G. Hill, Fernando Calamante, David Atkinson: Study of Connectivity in the Brain Using the Full Diffusion Tensor from MRI. IPMI 2001: 121-133
4 David Atkinson, Derek L. G. Hill, Peter N. R. Stoyle, Paul E. Summers, Steven F. Keevil: An Autofocus Algorithm for the Automatic Correction of Motion Artifacts in MR Images. IPMI 1997: 341-354
3 David Atkinson, Derek L. G. Hill, Peter N. R. Stoyle, Paul E. Summers, Steven F. Keevil: Automatic Correction of Motion Artifacts in Magnetic Resonance Images Using an Entropy Focus Criterion. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 16(6): 903-910 (1997)
2 Richard J. Doyle, Suzanne M. Sellers, David Atkinson: A Focused, Context-Sensitive Approach to Monitoring. IJCAI 1989: 1231-1237
1 Richard J. Doyle, David Atkinson, Rajkumar Doshi: Generating Perception Requests and Expectations to Verify the Execution of Plans. AAAI 1986: 81-88

Coauthor Index

1Dean C. Barratt [10]
2Philipp G. Batchelor [5] [8]
3Jane M. Blackall [6] [10]
4Fernando Calamante [5]
5Timothy J. Carter [10]
6Mario Cheng [14]
7Olivier Comas [14]
8William R. Crum [10]
9Rajkumar Doshi [1]
10Richard J. Doyle [1] [2]
11Jacques Felblinger [15]
12Joseph V. Hajnal [8]
13David J. Hawkes [10] [13] [14]
14Derek L. G. Hill [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
15Steven F. Keevil [3] [4]
16David J. Larkman [8]
17Jamie McClelland [10]
18Kate McLeish [6]
19Andrew Melbourne [13]
20J. Alison Noble [7]
21Freddy Odille [15]
22Sébastien Ourselin [14]
23Josh Passenger [14]
24Jeanne Peijnenburg [9] [12]
25Graeme P. Penney [10]
26Reza Razavi [6]
27Suzanne M. Sellers [2]
28Peter N. R. Stoyle [3] [4]
29Paul E. Summers [3] [4]
30Christine Tanner [10]
31Segolene Tarte [10]
32Zeike A. Taylor [14]
33Pierre-André Vuissoz [15]
34Mark White [10]
35Xujiong Ye [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)