
Matthias Rath

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6EEMatthias Rath, Sascha Bienert: Integrated modelling of sonic vibration and macroscopic object movement: an example of an interactive ball game. DIMEA 2008: 211-214
5EEMatthias Rath, Marcel Wältermann: Exploring the Perceptual Relevance of Inherent Variability of Drum Sounds. CMMR 2007: 303-312
4EEMatthias Rath, Michael Rohs: Explorations in sound for tilting-based interfaces. ICMI 2006: 295-301
3EEMatthias Rath, Davide Rocchesso: Continuous Sonic Feedback from a Rolling Ball. IEEE MultiMedia 12(2): 60-69 (2005)
2EEMark T. Marshall, Matthias Rath, Breege Moynihan: The Virtual Bodhran - The Vodhran. NIME 2002: 179-180
1EEMatthias Rath: Examples and ideas in the development of sounding objects. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2002: 370-372

Coauthor Index

1Sascha Bienert [6]
2Mark T. Marshall [2]
3Breege Moynihan [2]
4Davide Rocchesso [3]
5Michael Rohs [4]
6Marcel Wältermann [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)