
Dara Rahmati

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4EEMohammad Mirza-Aghatabar, Somayyeh Koohi, Shaahin Hessabi, Dara Rahmati: An Adaptive Approach to Manage the Number of Virtual Channels. AINA Workshops 2008: 353-358
3EEAbbas Eslami Kiasari, Dara Rahmati, Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Shaahin Hessabi: A Markovian Performance Model for Networks-on-Chip. PDP 2008: 157-164
2EEMahdiar Hosein Ghadiry, Mahdieh Nadi Senjani, M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani, Dara Rahmati: Effect of number of faults on NoC power and performance. ICPADS 2007: 1-9
1EEDara Rahmati, Abbas Eslami Kiasari, Shaahin Hessabi, Hamid Sarbazi-Azad: A performance and power analysis of WK-Recursive and Mesh Networks for Network-on-Chips. ICCD 2006

Coauthor Index

1Mahdiar Hosein Ghadiry [2]
2Shaahin Hessabi [1] [3] [4]
3Abbas Eslami Kiasari [1] [3]
4Somayyeh Koohi [4]
5M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani [2]
6Mohammad Mirza-Aghatabar [4]
7Hamid Sarbazi-Azad [1] [3]
8Mahdieh Nadi Senjani [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)