
Mohammad Mirza-Aghatabar

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5EEMohammad Mirza-Aghatabar, Somayyeh Koohi, Shaahin Hessabi, Dara Rahmati: An Adaptive Approach to Manage the Number of Virtual Channels. AINA Workshops 2008: 353-358
4EEMohammad Mirza-Aghatabar, Arash Tavakkol, Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Abbas Nayebi: An Adaptive Software-Based Deadlock Recovery Technique. AINA Workshops 2008: 514-519
3EEAysan Rasooli Oskooei, Mohammad Mirza-Aghatabar, Siavash Khorsandi: Introduction of Novel Rule Based Algorithms for Scheduling in Grid Computing Systems. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2008: 138-143
2EESomayyeh Koohi, Mohammad Mirza-Aghatabar, Shaahin Hessabi, Massoud Pedram: High-Level Modeling Approach for Analyzing the Effects of Traffic Models on Power and Throughput in Mesh-Based NoCs. VLSI Design 2008: 415-420
1EEMohammad Mirza-Aghatabar, Somayyeh Koohi, Shaahin Hessabi, Massoud Pedram: An Empirical Investigation of Mesh and Torus NoC Topologies Under Different Routing Algorithms and Traffic Models. DSD 2007: 19-26

Coauthor Index

1Shaahin Hessabi [1] [2] [5]
2Siavash Khorsandi [3]
3Somayyeh Koohi [1] [2] [5]
4Abbas Nayebi [4]
5Aysan Rasooli Oskooei [3]
6Massoud Pedram [1] [2]
7Dara Rahmati [5]
8Hamid Sarbazi-Azad [4]
9Arash Tavakkol [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)