
M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani

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8EEAmir H. Jamalian, Reza Iraji, M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani: A learning automata-based method for estimating the mobility model of nodes in Mobile Ad-Hoc NETworks. IEEE ICCI 2008: 249-254
7EEM. Naderan Tahan, Reza Iraji, M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani: A real-time Clearance-Based approach for motion planning of mobile robots. IEEE ICCI 2008: 394-401
6EEMahdiar Hosein Ghadiry, Mahdieh Nadi Senjani, M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani, Dara Rahmati: Effect of number of faults on NoC power and performance. ICPADS 2007: 1-9
5EEAmir H. Jamalian, Reza Iraji, A. R. Sefidpour, M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani: Examining the epsilon-Optimality Property of a Tunable FSSA. IEEE ICCI 2007: 169-177
4EEAmir H. Jamalian, A. R. Sefidpour, M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani, Reza Iraji: SME: Learning Automata-Based Algorithm for Estimating the Mobility Model of Soccer Players. IEEE ICCI 2007: 462-469
3EEReza Iraji, M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani, Amir H. Jamalian, A. R. Sefidpour: A Real-Time Color-Independent Method for Multiple Faces Tracking. IEEE ICCI 2007: 99-105
2EEReza Iraji, M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani, Amir H. Jamalian, H. Beigy: IJA Automaton: Expediency and E-Optimality Properties. IEEE ICCI 2006: 617-622
1EESaeed Ayat, M. T. Manzuri-Shalmani, Roohollah Dianat: An improved wavelet-based speech enhancement by using speech signal features. Computers & Electrical Engineering 32(6): 411-425 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Saeed Ayat [1]
2H. Beigy [2]
3Roohollah Dianat [1]
4Mahdiar Hosein Ghadiry [6]
5Reza Iraji [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
6Amir H. Jamalian [2] [3] [4] [5] [8]
7Dara Rahmati [6]
8A. R. Sefidpour [3] [4] [5]
9Mahdieh Nadi Senjani [6]
10M. Naderan Tahan [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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