
Thomas Ragg

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12EEFrank Padberg, Thomas Ragg, Ralf Schoknecht: Using Machine Learning for Estimating the Defect Content After an Inspection. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 30(1): 17-28 (2004)
11 Thomas Ragg, Martin Granzow, Wolfram Menzel, Werner Dubitzky: Filtering Nonlinear Intensity Dependencies in cDNA Microarray Experiments. IC-AI 2003: 335-341
10EEMartin Lauer, Martin A. Riedmiller, Thomas Ragg, Walter Baum, Michael Wigbers: The Smaller the Better: Comparison of Two Approaches for Sales Rate Prediction. IDA 2003: 451-461
9EEThomas Ragg, Frank Padberg, Ralf Schoknecht: Applying Machine Learning to Solve an Estimation Problem in Software Inspections. ICANN 2002: 516-521
8EEThomas Ragg: Bayesian learning and evolutionary parameter optimization. AI Commun. 15(1): 61-74 (2002)
7EEThomas Ragg, Wolfram Menzel, Walter Baum, Michael Wigbers: Bayesian learning for sales rate prediction for thousands of retailers. Neurocomputing 43(1-4): 127-144 (2002)
6EEThomas Ragg: Building Committees by Clustering Models Based on Pairwise Similarity Values. ECML 2001: 406-418
5EEThomas Ragg: Bayesian Learning and Evolutionary Parameter Optimization. KI/ÖGAI 2001: 48-62
4EEThomas Ragg, Steffen Gutjahr: Automatic determination of optimal network topologies based on information theory and evolution. EUROMICRO 1997: 549-555
3 Thomas Ragg, Steffen Gutjahr: Building High Performant Classifiers by Integrating Bayesian Learning, Mutual Information and Committee Techniques - A Case Study in Time Series Prediction. ICANN 1997: 1023-1028
2 Thomas Ragg: Parallelization of an Evolutionary Neural Network Optimizer Based on PVM. PVM 1996: 351-354
1EERainer Malaka, Thomas Ragg, Martin Hammer: A Model for Chemosensory Reception. NIPS 1994: 61-68

Coauthor Index

1Walter Baum [7] [10]
2Werner Dubitzky [11]
3Martin Granzow [11]
4Steffen Gutjahr [3] [4]
5Martin Hammer [1]
6Martin Lauer [10]
7Rainer Malaka [1]
8Wolfram Menzel [7] [11]
9Frank Padberg [9] [12]
10Martin A. Riedmiller (Martin Riedmiller) [10]
11Ralf Schoknecht [9] [12]
12Michael Wigbers [7] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)