
Steffen Gutjahr

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5 Steffen Gutjahr: Improving Generalization Performance of Neural Networks by Constructing Orthonormal Weight Vectors. IIA/SOCO 1999
4 Steffen Gutjahr, Christian Nautze: Extended Bayesian learning. ESANN 1997
3EEThomas Ragg, Steffen Gutjahr: Automatic determination of optimal network topologies based on information theory and evolution. EUROMICRO 1997: 549-555
2 Thomas Ragg, Steffen Gutjahr: Building High Performant Classifiers by Integrating Bayesian Learning, Mutual Information and Committee Techniques - A Case Study in Time Series Prediction. ICANN 1997: 1023-1028
1 Steffen Gutjahr, Joachim Feist: Elliptical Basis Function Networks for Classification Tasks. ICANN 1997: 373-378

Coauthor Index

1Joachim Feist [1]
2Christian Nautze [4]
3Thomas Ragg [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)