
E. Schkommodau

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3 Frank Portheine, E. Schkommodau, Klaus Radermacher: Computerbased preoperative assessment of the manual registration reliability of CT-image based individual templates. CARS 2004: 1320
2 M. de la Fuente, E. Schkommodau, P. Lutz, M. Neuss, D. C. Wirtz, Klaus Radermacher: 3D reconstruction and navigated removal of femoral bone cement in revision THR based on few fluoroscopic images. CARS 2004: 626-631
1 Ting Wu, G. Müller, E. Schkommodau, Klaus Radermacher, Frank Langlotz, Günther Rau: Design of a web-based medical database for computer-assisted orthopedic surgery. CARS 2001: 331-337

Coauthor Index

1M. de la Fuente [2]
2Frank Langlotz [1]
3P. Lutz [2]
4G. Müller [1]
5M. Neuss [2]
6Frank Portheine [3]
7Klaus Radermacher [1] [2] [3]
8Günther Rau [1]
9D. C. Wirtz [2]
10Ting Wu [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)