
Kirsten Schmieder

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9EESusanne Winter, Bernhard Brendel, Ioannis Pechlivanis, Kirsten Schmieder, Christian Igel: Registration of CT and Intraoperative 3-D Ultrasound Images of the Spine Using Evolutionary and Gradient-Based Methods. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 12(3): 284-296 (2008)
8EESusanne Winter, Bernhard Brendel, Ioannis Pechlivanis, Kirsten Schmieder: Registrierung verschiedener Knochenstrukturen in Ultraschall- und CT-Daten anhand von prä und intraoperativen Patientendatensätzen. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006: 196-200
7EESusanne Winter, Bernhard Brendel, Bernd Illerhaus, Amir Al-Amin, Helmut Ermert, Kirsten Schmieder: Parametrisierung evolutionärer Strategien für die Registrierung von Wirbelknochen in Ultraschall und CT-Daten. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2004: 304-308
6 Martin Engelhardt, P. Bast, Wolfgang Lauer, V. Rohde, Kirsten Schmieder, Klaus Radermacher: Manual vs. robotic milling parameters for development of a new robotic system in cranial surgery. CARS 2004: 533-538
5 Aleksandra Popovic, Martin Engelhardt, Ting Wu, Frank Portheine, Kirsten Schmieder, Klaus Radermacher: CRANIO - computer assisted planning for navigated and robot assisted surgery on the skull. CARS 2003: 1269-1276
4 Martin Engelhardt, Ch. Brenke, W. Folkers, A. G. Harders, Kirsten Schmieder: Frameless stereotaxy and neuronavigation. CARS 2003: 1335
3 Martin Engelhardt, Ch. Brenke, W. Folkers, A. G. Harders, Kirsten Schmieder: Neuronavigation in transspenoidal surgery of pituitary adenomas. CARS 2003: 1336
2 W. Folkers, Martin Engelhardt, Ch. Brenke, A. G. Harders, Kirsten Schmieder: Applikation of the cranial navigation software during anterior cervical discectomy - a feasability study. CARS 2003: 1337
1 Harald Eufinger, Martin Scholz, Kirsten Schmieder, Stephan Weihe, Michael Wehmöller: Skull bone reconstruction after hemicraniectomy with a prefabricated implant. CARS 2003: 716-719

Coauthor Index

1Amir Al-Amin [7]
2P. Bast [6]
3Bernhard Brendel [7] [8] [9]
4Ch. Brenke [2] [3] [4]
5Martin Engelhardt [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Helmut Ermert [7]
7Harald Eufinger [1]
8W. Folkers [2] [3] [4]
9A. G. Harders [2] [3] [4]
10Christian Igel [9]
11Bernd Illerhaus [7]
12Wolfgang Lauer [6]
13Ioannis Pechlivanis [8] [9]
14Aleksandra Popovic [5]
15Frank Portheine [5]
16Klaus Radermacher [5] [6]
17V. Rohde [6]
18Martin Scholz [1]
19Michael Wehmöller [1]
20Stephan Weihe [1]
21Susanne Winter [7] [8] [9]
22Ting Wu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)