
Gaetano Quattrocchi

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26EEAlan C. H. Ling, Charles J. Colbourn, Gaetano Quattrocchi: Minimum embedding of Steiner triple systems into (K4-e)-designs II. Discrete Mathematics 309(2): 400-411 (2009)
25EECharles Curtis Lindner, Gaetano Quattrocchi, Christopher A. Rodger: Embedding Steiner triple systems in hexagon triple systems. Discrete Mathematics 309(2): 487-490 (2009)
24EEMario Gionfriddo, Gaetano Quattrocchi: Embedding balanced P3-designs into (balanced) P4-designs. Discrete Mathematics 308(2-3): 155-160 (2008)
23EETerry Griggs, Giovanni Lo Faro, Gaetano Quattrocchi: On some colouring of 4-cycle systems with specified block colour patterns. Discrete Mathematics 308(2-3): 465-478 (2008)
22EECharles J. Colbourn, Alan C. H. Ling, Gaetano Quattrocchi: Minimum embedding of Steiner triple systems into (K4-e)-designs I. Discrete Mathematics 308(22): 5308-5311 (2008)
21EECharles J. Colbourn, Gaetano Quattrocchi, Violet R. Syrotiuk: Lower bounds for two-period grooming via linear programming duality. Networks 52(4): 299-306 (2008)
20EECharles J. Colbourn, Gaetano Quattrocchi, Violet R. Syrotiuk: Grooming for two-period optical networks. Networks 52(4): 307-324 (2008)
19EECharles J. Colbourn, Alan C. H. Ling, Gaetano Quattrocchi: Embedding path designs into kite systems. Discrete Mathematics 297(1-3): 38-48 (2005)
18EEGaetano Quattrocchi, Eric Mendelsohn: Minimum embedding of balanced P4-designs into 5-cycle systems. Discrete Mathematics 279(1-3): 407-421 (2004)
17EEPeter Danziger, Eric Mendelsohn, Gaetano Quattrocchi: On the chromatic index of path decompositions. Discrete Mathematics 284(1-3): 107-121 (2004)
16EEMario Gionfriddo, Gaetano Quattrocchi: Colouring 4-cycle systems with equitably coloured blocks. Discrete Mathematics 284(1-3): 137-148 (2004)
15EEGaetano Quattrocchi, Zsolt Tuza: Partition of C 4-Designs into Minimum and Maximum Number of P 3-Designs. Graphs and Combinatorics 20(4): 531-540 (2004)
14EEGaetano Quattrocchi: Embedding handcuffed designs in D-designs, where D is the triangle with attached edge. Discrete Mathematics 261(1-3): 413-434 (2003)
13 Elizabeth J. Billington, Gaetano Quattrocchi: The metamorphosis of lambda-fold K3, 3-designs into lambda-fold 6-cycle systems. Ars Comb. 64: 65- (2002)
12EESalvatore Milici, Gaetano Quattrocchi: On nesting of G-decompositions of lambdaKv where G has four nonisolated vertices or les. Discrete Mathematics 255(1-3): 297-315 (2002)
11EEGaetano Quattrocchi: Embedding path designs in 4-cycle systems. Discrete Mathematics 255(1-3): 349-356 (2002)
10EEGaetano Quattrocchi: Colouring 4-cycle Systems with Specified Block Colour Patterns: the Case of Embedding P3-designs. Electr. J. Comb. 8(1): (2001)
9EEEric Mendelsohn, Gaetano Quattrocchi: Resolving Triple Systems into Regular Configurations. Electr. J. Comb. 7: (2000)
8EESalvatore Milici, Gaetano Quattrocchi: Embedding handcuffed designs with block size 2 or 3 in 4-cycle systems. Discrete Mathematics 208-209: 443-449 (1999)
7 Gaetano Quattrocchi: Spanning Sets and Scattering Sets in Handcuffed Designs of order v and block size 3. Ars Comb. 50: (1998)
6EEGaetano Quattrocchi: On arcs in path designs of block size four. Discrete Mathematics 174(1-3): 283-292 (1997)
5EESalvatore Milici, Gaetano Quattrocchi, Hao Shen: Support Sizes of Directed Triple Systems. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 75(2): 198-219 (1996)
4EESalvatore Milici, Gaetano Quattrocchi, Hao Shen: Embeddings of simple maximum packings of triples with lambda even. Discrete Mathematics 145(1-3): 191-200 (1995)
3EEGaetano Quattrocchi, Salvatore Milici: Repeated blocks in maximum packing of triples with index 2. Discrete Mathematics 115(1-3): 287-291 (1993)
2EEGaetano Quattrocchi: On the intersection of two S(3, 4, 2upsilon) having a same derived triple system. Discrete Mathematics 82(3): 279-286 (1990)
1EESalvatore Milici, Gaetano Quattrocchi: The spectrum for three-times repeated blocks in a S3(2, 3, v). J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 49(1): 117-128 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Elizabeth J. Billington [13]
2Charles J. Colbourn [19] [20] [21] [22] [26]
3Peter Danziger [17]
4Giovanni Lo Faro [23]
5Mario Gionfriddo [16] [24]
6Terry Griggs [23]
7Charles Curtis Lindner (Charles C. Lindner) [25]
8Alan C. H. Ling [19] [22] [26]
9Eric Mendelsohn [9] [17] [18]
10Salvatore Milici [1] [3] [4] [5] [8] [12]
11Christopher A. Rodger (C. A. Rodger) [25]
12Hao Shen [4] [5]
13Violet R. Syrotiuk [20] [21]
14Zsolt Tuza [15]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)